I am trying to make a raycasting game. Everything is rendered correctly except when the ray is facing up (angle > PI) or facing right(angle > 0.5PI and < 1.5PI) lines are drawn on walls. I am not sure what is causing it to happen but I know that the lines are not affected by the rotation of the player only by the players position. I also tried rounding the rays position but that did not help.
Right and up ray walls.
The walls up close.
Left and down ray walls.
let rayX, rayY, rayAngle, rayDeltaX, rayDeltaY
for (let i = 0; i < this.screen.width; i ++) {
rayAngle = this.angle - this.fov / 2 + i * (this.fov / this.screen.width)
if (rayAngle < 0) {
rayAngle += Math.PI * 2
else if (rayAngle > Math.PI * 2) {
rayAngle -= Math.PI * 2
rayX = this.x
rayY = this.y
let stepY
if (rayAngle > Math.PI) {
stepY = -this.tileSize
rayY = Math.floor(rayY / this.tileSize) * this.tileSize - 1
else {
stepY = this.tileSize
rayY = Math.floor(rayY / this.tileSize) * this.tileSize + this.tileSize
rayX = this.x + (rayY - this.y) / Math.tan(rayAngle)
rayDeltaY = stepY
rayDeltaX = stepY / Math.tan(rayAngle)
while(true) {
if (this.Map.map[Math.floor(rayY / this.tileSize) * this.Map.width + Math.floor(rayX / this.tileSize)] == '#') {
rayX += rayDeltaX
rayY += rayDeltaY
let rayHorizontalX = rayX
let rayHorizontalY = rayY
let rayDistanceHorizontal = Math.sqrt((this.x - rayHorizontalX) ** 2 + (this.y - rayHorizontalY) ** 2)
rayX = this.x
rayY = this.y
let stepX
if (rayAngle > 0.5 * Math.PI && rayAngle < 1.5 * Math.PI) {
stepX = -this.tileSize
rayX = Math.floor(rayX / this.tileSize) * this.tileSize - 1
else {
stepX = this.tileSize
rayX = Math.floor(rayX / this.tileSize) * this.tileSize + this.tileSize
rayY = this.y + (rayX - this.x) * Math.tan(rayAngle)
rayDeltaY = stepX * Math.tan(rayAngle)
rayDeltaX = stepX
while(true) {
if (this.Map.map[Math.floor(rayY / this.tileSize) * this.Map.width + Math.floor(rayX / this.tileSize)] == '#') {
rayX += rayDeltaX
rayY += rayDeltaY
let rayVerticalX = rayX
let rayVerticalY = rayY
let rayDistanceVertical = Math.sqrt((this.x - rayVerticalX) ** 2 + (this.y - rayVerticalY) ** 2)
let rayFinalDistance
if (rayDistanceHorizontal < rayDistanceVertical) {
rayFinalDistance = rayDistanceHorizontal
ctx.fillStyle = 'darkblue'
else {
rayFinalDistance = rayDistanceVertical
ctx.fillStyle = 'blue'
let rayCorrectedDistance = rayFinalDistance * Math.cos(rayAngle - this.angle)
let lineHeight = this.tileSize * (this.screen.width / 2 / Math.tan(this.fov / 2)) / rayCorrectedDistance
let lineBottom = this.projectionPlane.centerY + lineHeight * 0.5
let lineTop = this.projectionPlane.height - lineBottom
ctx.fillRect(i, lineTop, 1, lineHeight)
Any help would be appreciated.