I'm building a 2D strategy game where I've decided to use TileMap for spaces which characters can traverse. My tiles need to be prefabs, because they will have a script attached to them to store things like their type, cost, any effects they might have on them, name, etc.
To build the TileMap I imported Unity 2D Extras and used its prefab brush. I've actually tried this a couple of ways. First I just manually placed the prefabs and dragged them into the hierarchy under GameTileMap. When that didn't work I thought maybe I needed to do it with the prefab brush so I deleted everything and did the whole thing again that way. Still nothing.
Here is how my Hierarchy looks:
And this is the code I used to try and get that list of all the Tile prefabs I have there:
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
using UnityEngine;
public class TileManager : MonoBehaviour {
public static TileManager instance;
public Tilemap Tilemap;
void Awake() {
if (instance == null) {
instance = this;
else if (instance != this) {
// Do I even have any tiles?
TileBase[] allTiles = Tilemap.GetTilesBlock(Tilemap.cellBounds);
// Print positions of each tile if I have any.
foreach (Vector3Int pos in Tilemap.cellBounds.allPositionsWithin) {
var localPlace = new Vector3Int(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
The above code is on my TileManager. When run, allTiles
list is empty so of course no Debug output is logged.
Is it possible to get list of tiles that have been painted with the prefab brush?