I'm having an issue with Textmesh Pro in my project. I originally got it from the Asset store a few months ago. More recently, I deleted it and downloaded it from the Package Manager. However, now in my scripts I'm getting the following error when using TextMeshPro class in my scripts:
The type 'TextMeshPro' in '/Users/unityj/Documents/unity vscode/VSCode/FirstGame/Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/Scripts/Runtime/TextMeshPro.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'TextMeshPro' in 'Unity.TextMeshPro, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in '/Users/unityj/Documents/unity vscode/VSCode/FirstGame/Library/PackageCache/[email protected]/Scripts/Runtime/TextMeshPro.cs'. (CS0436) [Assembly-CSharp]
Tried to uninstall the package via package manager, deleting the package folders, deleting everything that mentions 'TextMesh Pro' and 'TMPro', reimporting all, and reinstalling, but I still get the error. Once TextMesh Pro is uninstalled, the class can't be accessed.
Asset Serialisation mode is set to 'Force Text' and I've set .Net4.x in the Player Settings
Making a new project does not replicate the problem, so I know it's a problem specific to my project, but I don't know where to start. Any suggestions would be appreciated.