I was looking for a way to create simple transform animations for 2d objects. As example, I wanted to animate all the objects of the scene when the game is paused (i.e. I just want to move the objects outside the screen boundaries with a nice animation). I think that creating an Animator Controller for something like this is not really useful for two reasons:
I don't know where the objects are at runtime. Please correct me if I'm wrong, I think I cannot dynamically change the value of a keyframe attached to an animation controller, so if I just start a transform animation the sprite will jump at the first keyframe value and then performs the animation. Terrible result.
If I have 200 objects I should create 200 animation controllers with 200 animations.
Creating animation programmatically would be great, but I read on forums and here on stackexchange that you cannot dynamically handle keyframes... and that I HAVE to use the Animation Controller, otherwise I can use the Legacy animation system (that to me sounds so... deprecated :P)
Then I checked this page of the documentation: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Animation.html
They talk about the "Animation" component... and they don't say this element is Legacy/Deprecated. Looking at this page it seems that I have a lot of control over Animation actually... but know I'm completely confused! Is this component deprecated or not? Should I always use the Animation Controller instead?