I've written some code for frustum culling, but for some reason, it is not working, and i can't find the bug in it... Maybe a bug in the math, somewhere? So, i'm asking you if anyone could check these values, or give me an idea... Sorry for the lengthy post, but i'm fresh out of ideas, so i'm giving you all available data.
Basically, i have a bounding box centered at (0, 10, 0), with a side of ( 2, 2, 2 ). Corners are correctly calculated to be at ( -1, 9, 1 ), ( 1, 9, 1 ), (-1, 11, 1), ( 1, 11, 1), (-1, 9, -1), (1, 9, -1), (-1, 11, -1), (1, 11, -1).
The camera is at ( 0, 3, 10 ), set up with FOV=60, AspectRatio=800/600, near clip = 1, far clip = 50.
The planes are set up with this function:
void CPlane::SetFrom3Points ( const Vector3f &In_P0, const Vector3f &In_P1, const Vector3f &In_P2 )
CPlane Plane;
Vector3f V0, V1;
// Creates vectors between all three points
Point = In_P0;
V0 = In_P1 - In_P0;
V1 = In_P2 - In_P0;
// Taking the cross-product of these two vectors, i get the normal to the plane
Normal = CrossProduct ( V0, V1 );
A = Normal.X;
B = Normal.Y;
C = Normal.Z;
D = - DotProduct ( Normal, Point );
The extracted top plane is: A = 0 B ~= -0.86 C = -0.5 D ~= 7.59
I'm using these 3 first values as the plane's normal. It fails right at the first ( top ) plane, so i'm only presenting that.
Then, there's the check function:
int CFrustum::BoundingBoxInFrustum ( SBoundingBox In_Box )
int result = FRUSTUM_INSIDE, out,in;
// for each plane do ...
for ( int i=0; i < 6; i++ )
// reset counters for corners in and out
// for each corner of the box do ...
// get out of the cycle as soon as a box as corners
// both inside and out of the frustum
for ( int k = 0; k < 8 && ( in==0 || out==0 ); k++ )
// is the corner outside or inside
float D = Planes[i].GetDistance ( In_Box.Corners[k] );
if ( Planes[i].GetDistance ( In_Box.Corners[k] ) < 0 )
//if all corners are out
if ( !in )
// if some corners are out and others are in
else if ( out )
return ( result );
and Plane::GetDistance
float CPlane::GetDistance ( Vector3f In_Point )
return ( D + DotProduct ( Normal, In_Point ) );
In the first iteration in the checking function the point is incorrectly categorized as being outside the plane ( so, above the top plane ), and as such, the bounding box will be categorized as intersecting.
what could be wrong here?
EDIT:Here's an animation showing what's wrong...
That yellow sphere should be considered completely inside the frustum. It's not.
This is what happens with a "field" of spheres so i can check the frustum code...
Don't know if you can see, but most of the spheres inside the frustum are colored yellow ( meaning intersection ), and the whole first row too...
EDIT2: ok, so i re-wrote the code a bit, and came up with this:
int CFrustum::BoundingBoxInFrustum ( SBoundingBox In_Box )
unsigned Counters[3] = {0, 0, 0};
for ( int plane = 0; plane < 6; ++plane )
unsigned PlaneNegative = 0;
for ( int corner = 0; corner < 8; ++corner )
Math::CPlane::EHalfspace PointResult = ClassifyPoint ( Planes[plane], In_Box.Corners[corner] );
if ( Counters[Math::CPlane::NEGATIVE] == 8 ) // If all points are on the negative side of this plane, then the bounding box is not visible
Counters[Math::CPlane::NEGATIVE] = 0;
if ( Counters[Math::CPlane::POSITIVE] == 8 * 6 )
CPlane::EHalfspace ClassifyPoint ( const CPlane &In_Plane, const Vector3f &In_Point )
float Result = In_Plane.D + DotProduct ( In_Plane.Normal, In_Point );
if ( Result < 0 ) return CPlane::NEGATIVE;
if ( Result > 0 ) return CPlane::POSITIVE;
// float d;
// d = Plane.A * Point.X + Plane.B * Point.Y + Plane.C * Point.Z + Plane.D;
// if ( d < 0 ) return CPlane::NEGATIVE;
// if ( d > 0 ) return CPlane::POSITIVE;
return CPlane::ON_PLANE;
I'm wondering if i may have messed up my plane calculation, since the frustum drawing is so off.. Also, the bounding boxes seem to sometimes disappear on certain positions, and re-appear, so i'm definitely miscalculating something... Can you please double-check my results? For a 60 degree FOV, 1.(3) aspect ratio, 1 and 100 for near and far planes, positioned at (0, 3, 10), this is what got calculated: Planes:
Top 0, -0.866025388, -0.5, 7.59807587
Bottom 0, 0.866025388, -0.5, 2.40192366
Left 0.792405784, 0, -0.609994292, 6.09994316
Right -0.792405784, 0, -0.609994292, 6.09994316
Near 0, 0, -1, 9
Far 0, 0, 1, 90
The frustum corners are then at: ( -0.769800365, 2.42264986, 9 ) ( 0.769800365, 2.42264986, 9 ) ( -0.769800365, 3.57735014, 9 ) ( 0.769800365, 3.57735014, 9 ) ( -76.9800415, -54.7350273, -90 ) ( 76.9800415, -54.7350273, -90 ) (-76.9800415, 60.7350273, -90 ) ( 76.9800415, 60.7350273, -90 )
The code to calculate the planes and corners is this:
float Tangent = ( float ) tan ( DegToRad ( 0.5 * FOV ) ) ;
float NearHeight = Near * Tangent;
float NearWidth = NearHeight * AspectRatio;
float FarHeight = Far * Tangent;
float FarWidth = FarHeight * AspectRatio;
Math::Vector3f NearClip = -ZVector * Near;
Math::Vector3f FarClip = -ZVector * Far;
Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_LEFT] = Position + NearClip + YVector * NearHeight - XVector * NearWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_RIGHT] = Position + NearClip + YVector * NearHeight + XVector * NearWidth ;
Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_LEFT] = Position + NearClip - YVector * NearHeight - XVector * NearWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_RIGHT] = Position + NearClip - YVector * NearHeight + XVector * NearWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_FAR_LEFT] = Position + FarClip + YVector * FarHeight - XVector * FarWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_FAR_RIGHT] = Position + FarClip + YVector * FarHeight + XVector * FarWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_LEFT] = Position + FarClip - YVector * FarHeight - XVector * FarWidth;
Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_RIGHT] = Position + FarClip - YVector * FarHeight + XVector * FarWidth;
Planes[FRUSTUM_TOP].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_FAR_LEFT] );
Planes[FRUSTUM_BOTTOM].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_RIGHT] );
Planes[FRUSTUM_LEFT].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_LEFT] );
Planes[FRUSTUM_RIGHT].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_RIGHT] );
Planes[FRUSTUM_NEAR].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_NEAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_NEAR_RIGHT] );
Planes[FRUSTUM_FAR].SetFrom3Points ( Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_FAR_RIGHT], Corners[SBoundingBox::TOP_FAR_LEFT], Corners[SBoundingBox::BOTTOM_FAR_LEFT] );