I'm would like to achieve something like Object A will jump to position A in parabolic way. For example:
I am able to make the object jump but i do not know how to calculate to make the object jump to the precise location.
SpriteKit uses SKAction
objects to accomplish most of its functionality. What you're seeking is SKAction's
The following accomplishes this:
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPath];
[path moveToPoint:CGPointZero];
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(deltaX/2, desiredHeight) controlPoint:CGPointMake(0, desiredHeight)];
[path addQuadCurveToPoint:CGPointMake(deltaX, deltaY) controlPoint:CGPointMake(deltaX, desiredHeight)];
CGPathRef pathref = path.CGPath;
[jumpingNode runAction:[SKAction followPath:pathref duration:desiredDuration]];
This allows the Node to move along the specified path. It looks very uniform, but you can always add easing (related StackOverflow question) to give a more natural look
f(x) = sin( pow(x,0.5f) * Pi);
. Consider having point A and B and you want to jump ObjectA from A to B =>ObjectA.position = lerp(A,B,Time) + Vector.Up * f(Time)
is from 0 to 1. No approach is better than the other, "fake" physics can look better or worse , it all depends on your imagination \$\endgroup\$