
I have a function where you click on an object and it changes the color and emission of a specific material, every object has multiple materials with different order.

var emissionColor = mat.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
List<Material> materials.AddRange(t.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials);

 foreach (var m in materials)
        if (m.name.Equals(matName))
            m.color = mat.color;
            m.SetColor("_EmissionColor", emissionColor);


So far I'm changing the color once but I would like to have it transition into a different color every 10 seconds, I tried using the animator but it keeps changing the wrong material. Is there a way to do this animation in code?


1 Answer 1


I didn't want to delete this question because it might help someone else facing this problem. Basically I used the code above in a function (ChangeColor) that I call twice with a different mat every time. In order to get that delay I used Invoke("ChangeColor", delay); for the second time that I change the material's color.


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