I have a class of objects tagged as interactables
that my player can interact with when within range.
When my player is near them, I want to display a button prompt at the bottom of the screen, along with a description of the type of interaction possible (for example, "inspect", "use", etc.).
I want to account for the possibility that the player might be within range of two or more of them at once, and thus allow him to toggle through them, displaying their button prompts in turn.
If my player interacts with something which generates a text box or other modal, I want the button prompt to disappear, but to return when the text box or modal is closed.
Any advice on how to go about achieving this?
I've done it in the past in different engines, but I have always been unhappy with how convoluted my method was. I'd like to hear how others might tackle this. Given how common this kind of thing is in games, I'm surprised I haven't found a good tutorial on it yet.
You can be as general or as specific as you'd like in your answer.