I have a script, I am using this script to instantiate new path and also wall (as border) to generate new path and wall. Before some time all scripts work fine. but at this time my player enter in empty trigger collider 3 times to generate new path.
I am using capsule as player and also capsule collider. when my game start my player enter 2/3 times to empty collider(PathSpawnCollider) so it give me unwanted path and boundary walls.
Any one can help me what is problem here in my code.?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PathSpawnCollider : MonoBehaviour {
public float positionY = 0.81f;
public Transform[] PathSpawnPoints;
public GameObject Path;
public GameObject DangerousBorder;
public Transform[] BorderSpawnPoints;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit)
//player has hit the collider
if (hit.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
//find whether the next path will be straight, left or right
int randomSpawnPoint = Random.Range (0, PathSpawnPoints.Length);
//int randomBSP = Random.Range (0, BorderSpawnPoints.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < PathSpawnPoints.Length; i++) {
//instantiate the path, on the set rotation
if (i == randomSpawnPoint) {
Debug.LogError ("Value of if i : " + i);
Instantiate (Path, PathSpawnPoints [i].position, PathSpawnPoints [i].rotation);
else {
Debug.LogError ("Value of else i : "+i);
//instantiate the border, but rotate it 90 degrees first
Vector3 rotation = BorderSpawnPoints [i].rotation.eulerAngles;
rotation.y += 90;
Vector3 position = BorderSpawnPoints [i].position;
position.y += positionY;
Instantiate (DangerousBorder, position, Quaternion.Euler (rotation));