I am making a bomberman clone and I'm having problems regarding moving on both x and y axis (pressing down+left, down+right, up+left). Here is a video to demonstrate the problem. I use Tiled for the map. Below is the code:
private void checkCollision(float delta) {
player.getVelocity().scl(delta); // dont mind
Vector2 position = player.getPosition();
if(player.isMovingRight()) {
Array<Rectangle> tiles = getTiles((int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE + 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE - 1),
(int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE + 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE + 1));
for (Rectangle tile : tiles) {
if(player.getRectangle().overlaps(tile)) {
System.out.println("overlap right");
player.setPosition(tile.x - player.getWidth() , player.getPosition().y);
if(player.isMovingLeft()) {
Array<Rectangle> tiles = getTiles((int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE - 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE - 1),
(int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE + 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE + 1));
for (Rectangle tile : tiles) {
if(player.getRectangle().overlaps(tile)) {
System.out.println("overlap left");
player.setPosition(tile.x + tile.width, player.getPosition().y);
if(player.isMovingUp()) {
Array<Rectangle> tiles = getTiles((int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE - 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE - 1),
(int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE + 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE));
for (Rectangle tile : tiles) {
if(player.getRectangle().overlaps(tile)) {
System.out.println("overlap up");
player.setPosition(player.getPosition().x, tile.y + tile.height);
if(player.isMovingDown()) {
Array<Rectangle> tiles = getTiles((int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE - 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE + 1),
(int)(position.x/TILE_SIZE + 1), (int)(position.y/TILE_SIZE + 1));
for (Rectangle tile : tiles) {
if(player.getRectangle().overlaps(tile)) {
System.out.println("overlap down");
player.setPosition(player.getPosition().x, tile.y - player.getHeight());
private Array<Rectangle> getTiles(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) {
TiledMapTileLayer layer = (TiledMapTileLayer)level.getMap().getLayers().get(1);
Array<Rectangle> rectangles = new Array<Rectangle>();
for (int x = startX; x <= endX; x++) {
for (int y = startY; y <= endY; y++) {
Cell cell = layer.getCell(x, y);
if(cell != null) {
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(x*TILE_SIZE, y*TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE);
return rectangles;
To reproduce the problem shown in the video: Try to collide (coming from up) with one of the blocks that is not on the sides, press both down and left. Try again but press down and right. For the third one, make sure you are colliding with the top wall by pressing up then press left (both are pressed). It can also be done on the bottom wall by pressing down and left.