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XNA is a game framework by Microsoft that allows deployment for Windows, Windows Phone & Xbox 360.

1 vote

2D XNA C#: Texture2D Wrapping Issue

(If you haven't solved it already) Two things you can do to debug this further (if my solutions are not your problem) and give us more information: Use a normal SpriteBatch.Begin. (i.e. Just have …
electroflame's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

A Quick HLSL Question (How to modify some HLSL code)

Some other (possibly relevant) information: I'm using XNA. I'm applying this by providing it to a SpriteBatch (as an Effect). The SpriteBatch is using BlendState.NonPremultiplied. …
electroflame's user avatar
2 votes

XNA - Drawing 2D Primitives (Boxes) and Understanding Matrices in Computer Graphics

If you are dead-set on using Matrix math and wanting a wireframe hitbox, DrawUserIndexedPrimitives is probably the way to go. (As Jonathan said) However, the whole point of a debug mode is to be quick …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

XNA Easy Storage XBOX 360 High Scores

dadoo Games hit the nail right on the head. Your problem is that you may be saving a smaller file into a larger one, causing many problems and headaches as you do so. I second deleting your current …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

Jumping Vs. Gravity

You need to change this: if (FaKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)) { Jumping = true; xPosition -= new Vector2(0, 5); } To this: if (FaKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && Jumpi …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an easy and automatic way of converting a Windows XNA project into a Monotouch Mono...

I don't believe there is a magical "Port it!" button that will do everything for you, however ExEn does a pretty good job of getting rid of most of the manual work, while maintaining most of your curr …
electroflame's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Cropping a line (laser beam) in XNA

I have a laser sprite that I wish to crop. I want to crop it so when it collides with an item, I can calculate the distance between the starting point, and the ending point, and only draw that. This …
electroflame's user avatar
3 votes

Cropping a line (laser beam) in XNA

Actually, I had a brainwave and it worked out. I used the size (specifically, a Vector2) to scale it instead of crop it. Here's the final code: spriteBatch.Draw(Laser.sprite, Laser.position + n …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

Kinect Hand tracking in xna

XNA doesn't natively support Kinect, so you've got to use the Kinect SDK and XNA in conjunction with each other. However, you can use the two together fairly easily. … Kinect support is not included for XNA on the Xbox 360. …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

Mitigating the noticability of a frame drop in XNA

There's a series of blog posts by Shawn about using XNA RPM located here, and here. Also, your method of checking garbage should work. … If XNA doesn't think it's running slowly, it's more than likely a refresh-rate problem. Hopefully this helps! …
electroflame's user avatar
2 votes

Make a basic running sprite effect

You want to use a spritesheet. The SpriteSheetPacker tool can assist you in making one. First of all, we need to define some objects: Texture2D SpriteSheet; Point FrameSize = new Point(64, 64);//this …
electroflame's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Some assistance with selective 2D Bloom in XNA

I'm trying to use the XNA Bloom sample's component to apply bloom only to my UI text. …
electroflame's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to move a line of sprites in a sine wave?

So, I'm spawning a horizontal line of enemies that I would like to have move in a nice wave. Currently I tried: Enemy.position.X += Enemy.velocity.X; Enemy.position.Y += -(float)Math.Cos(Enemy.pos …
electroflame's user avatar
1 vote

XNA a Simple 2D Point Light

If you want something a little easier, without having to know about everything going on under the hood, I've heard that Krypton is a pretty good 2D lighting engine for XNA. …
electroflame's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Optimizing updating thousands of enemies? (Or break up the enemies that need updated?)

Thanks in advance for wanting to help. I have an array of (right now) ~1000 enemies that I need to update every frame. The issue, I believe, is mainly brute-force checks. I've profiled my applicati …
electroflame's user avatar

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