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Questions tagged [rest]

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How do I know the data has arrived at server without requesting every frame of the game?

I have a game where I have to get data from the server but the problem is I don't know when the data will become available on server. So I decided to use co-routine and hit server at after specific ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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1 answer

Rest API as Remote Data Storage

I'm currently working on a minor multiplayer project which is made like a hacking simulator where your character can login to a "console"-like interface to permanently manipulate the system with ...
Poul A. M. Poulsen's user avatar
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Push data in unity Player without Requesting

I have a unity3d Player where I need some data from the server. The server code is written in python while on client side is C#. Now I am searching a way that server directly post/push data to my ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar