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Questions tagged [ngui]

NGUI is a GUI toolkit and event framework created for the Unity3D development environment. Questions are categorized by NGUI if they involve using or creating models with the NGUI software, Unity3D without NGUI does not.

7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Can't clip a sprite that has a custom shader in NGUI

I am using NGUI. I have an "NGUI Unity 2D Sprite". This sprite has a material with this shader: ...
Saturn's user avatar
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4 votes
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Send mesh to a video card with the help of ngui instead of DragonBones in Unity

I am working at the project. It is pretty huge. And there is ngui at its core, so I can not go away from it (from ngui). Now I am assigned to incorporate the DragonBones into the project. There are ...
cutMeDown's user avatar
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Set sprite for UI2DSprite from NGUI at runtime

How can I set sprite for UI2DSprite from NGUI at runtime? This is what I tried: ...
oobarbazanoo's user avatar
2 votes
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Create an atlas texture in photoshop to use in unity

To create a button in NGUI looks like we need to create something called Atlas that is a material that contains a lot of little images called ...
Mohammad Jafar Mashhadi's user avatar
1 vote
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Animate an element from ngui in Unity

How can I animate an element from ngui in Unity? For example, how can I move it from the left to the scene when the button is clicked?
trafalgarLaww's user avatar
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Create button in NGUI

I try to create a button with the help of the NGUI. Here are screenshots of me doing that: So the problem here is the next. When clicking play button in game mode I hope to get the following line in ...
oobarbazanoo's user avatar
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UGUI canvas and NGUI panel overlap issue - Set Sorting Order

I have a NGUI Panel and a UGUI (Unity UI) panel. All are working fine but there is a small problem. When I open the NGUI panel meanwhile my GUI panel is also open, then NGUI panel appears behind the ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar