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text - part of the sprite or dynamically generated

I am trying to reproduce the same stamping tool as the one we found in the video game "Papers, Please". In my case I want my users to be able to modify the text they are going to stamp. I ...
Majork's user avatar
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Certain Unicode Characters not displaying when setting text to TextButton in libgdx

Ok I am trying to do a word game much like Hangman Pro but for a different language(specifically amharic) using libgdx . And I have got a list of words saved to ...
Jos's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to create a font from an image for a game?

I found a font in a free pack of sprite as an image: I'm wondering what would be the best way to use it in a game? Is there tools to create a font from this image? Do i have to code it myself? I ...
nathan's user avatar
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bmGlyph alternative for windows (Bitmap font generator) [closed]

I have been using this tool (bmGlyph to create fonts from apple machines, but now, I'm on windows and need a program with same / more features. The main features about this ...
Notbad's user avatar
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Vector-based fonts vs. bitmap fonts in (2d) games?

I know that many games are using bitmap fonts. Which are the advantages for vector-based font rendering / manipulation when compared to bitmap fonts and in which scenarios would they matter the most? ...
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