Set the mass of your projectiles to be very low, and the mass of your characters to be higher until they are no longer affected by the collision of the projectile (mass is a variable on rigidbody component).
The reason your rigidbody's push each other away is because this is what physical objects do in real life and rigidbody simulates this as accurately as possible. You throw a light ball at a heavier ball, both balls react. The heavier ball moves less than the lighter ball. If it was a really heavy ball, or a rock I guess, the really heavy ball/rock wouldn't move noticeably.
This will work if you're expecting your projectile to be destroyed on hit like Mario's fireball. If you want to use a beam or something like some of the final smashes, you'd make the beams "hitbox" ( a trigger that exists for one FixedUpdate frame and deals its damage/applies its forces and then goes away the next frame.
Also, when moving rigidbody's, do so via rigidbody.AddForce or add to its velocity yourself, as setting the transforms bypass the physics simulation and can easily result in you moving your objects into one another and cause them to become stuck. AddForce is more realistic at times, and just adding to the velocity can be easier to use at sometimes.
This is easy for a platformer, example in FixedUpdate:
if(rigidbody.velocity.x < maxMoveSpeed) { //and pressing right
//apply force right
if(rigidbody.velocity.x > -maxMoveSpeed) { //and pressing left
//apply force left