
MSDN has an example of a custom HLSL effect importer and processor. Here is the importer's code:

public override PSSourceCode Import(string filename, 
    ContentImporterContext context)
    string sourceCode = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);
    return new PSSourceCode(sourceCode, System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename));

In the processor they do this:

    EffectContent effectSource = new EffectContent();
    effectSource.EffectCode = input.SourceCode;
    EffectProcessor processor = new EffectProcessor();
    compiledEffect = processor.Process(effectSource, context);

The sample works okay, however, when you try to import and process an effect file that has #include "otherEffect.fx" directive in it, the build process throws an error "Failed to open source file 'otherEffect.fx'". I presume that is because the relative path of the file is not specified correctly but I don't know where to specify it. Does anyne know this?


1 Answer 1


For those having the same trouble, you should add two lines in the processor:

EffectContent effectSource = new EffectContent();
effectSource.EffectCode = input.SourceCode;
//Add these two lines:
effectSource.Identity = new ContentIdentity();
effectSource.Identity.SourceFilename = input.name;
//End of correction
EffectProcessor processor = new EffectProcessor();
compiledEffect = processor.Process(effectSource, context);

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