
im instantiating an object which is gonna play the background music for my game. On the Awake() function I check if there is a gameobject with the tag "MusicPlayer" on it, and if there isn't any I instantiate a prefab (the music player prefab with the tag "MusicPlayer" on it).

Now my issue is this :

It keeps instantiating the prefabs even if there is one or more music players(objects with the "MusicPlayer" tag on them). Why is this happening ?

Here is my code :

var musicPrefab : Transform;

function Awake()
    if(GameObject.FindWithTag("MusicPlayer") == null)

I also have a script that makes the music player not be destroyed upon the level reload. This is the script :

function Start()
    DontDestroyOnLoad (gameObject);

Thank you for your time, I hope I was clear enough.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Are you placing these script on a general purpose GameManager or directly on the MusicPlayer? You make get some value from reading this. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Dec 9, 2014 at 9:53

2 Answers 2


The FindWithTag will throw an error if the Tag is not defined (or perhaps spelled wrong). I think that might have been why it did not work at first, but works now :)



I don't know whats going on but this is what I did to fix this :

var musicPrefab : GameObject;
var muter : GameObject;

function Awake()
    if(GameObject.FindWithTag("MusicPlayer") == null)
        DontDestroyOnLoad (musicPrefab);
        muter = GameObject.FindWithTag("MusicPlayer");

    muter = musicPrefab;

You can compare the first script with this one. I don't know how I did it but it works.


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