I just bought a Xbox one controller and i'd like to test my game with it. I use the Controllers
extension from libGDX and it works fine, at least with my PS3 controller.
I get some weird results when i'm polling the axis of the controller with libGDX. The values are ok for Y axies but not for X ones. I mean, for X axis, values are really weird, sometimes, when the stick is fully pushed to the left, the value is not even negative, same goes for the right, sometimes value is negative. I don't know why but values seems inconsistent for X axies, Y axies work fine.
Concerning buttons, they are all detected except for the dpad.
I am using the drivers available here. I tested the controller with several games, it works fine so i think it's related to libGDX.
Do you think the Xbox One controller is not supported yet? Can it be a driver issue? Should I use another way to poll controller states? If yes, is there a good and up to date library to do so?