leftPosition += 5;
will never give you smooth experience, I believe that's your main problem, you should do something like this:
float perFrameSpeed = positionDelta / targetFPS / animationFrames;
Where positionDelta is a delta between current position and position after animation, targetFPS - your loop fps (e.g requestAnamationFrame(function(){...}, 1000 / targetFPS)),
animationFrames - how much frames should take performing animation.
And than, inside your loop, you will incr box position by this value until it reaches the desired position. That's your main problem i gas.
But you have one more - document.getElementById("square").style.left = leftPosition + "px";
In case of constant speed it's much better to cache actual element before doing animation, e.g.
var box = document.getElementById('boxId');
// ....
box.style.left = leftPosition + "px";
But, actually, if you are working with DOM elements and don't really care about old browsers, it's much better in your case just to use CSS3, I believe there are a lot of libraries that can generate and attach CSS3 animations at run time, but I strongly recommend to give a try to zepto.js. It's clean, lightweight, fast, and you can solve problems like this really easily, just by doing something like:
Zepto(function($) {
left: '50px' // animate from current position to left: 50px
}, 500,/*speed in ms*/, 'ease-out'/*animation curve*/, function() {
// animation done you can handle it here if you want to
By doing so you will have VERY smooth looking animation (of course if browser has CSS3 support) even with really small animation deltas and it's also works, in most cases, perfectly on almost all mobile devices.
Of course there are a lot more inside this lib, you can check out the docs.
Hope this helps.