I've got a basic side scroller that allows the user to run and jump around. I've used various tutorials to get this far, but I can't seem to get any text to render, no matter what method. I also can't get any images to render outside of my draw() function which is rendered at run time, which I think is my problem. (Is it possible to recall the function again to load another image?)
I can't just give a line of code to show the issue since the whole program is interwoven together:
I'm not asking for someone to go through the code and fix everything, just if you could point me in the right direction, or at least know what is causing the problem that would be great!
(Sorry about having all the code in one file, I'm bad a modularising it and kept on getting errors early on in the project because of it. So for learning purposes it's going to be in one file for now).
Edit: At the moment the priority is to get projectiles working. I've tried SDL_UpdateRect and similar but nothing has helped so far.
Edit #2: SO I've created a new function and have called it on top of the map, like it should do. But now I get a strange output: http://youtu.be/8piWyjfDgbI