The ball is not getting slower when it rolls over a straight platform. I added friction but that changed nothing, the ball still gets not slower. I want that the ball gets slower and slower and stops rolling after a certain time. Like in real life. How can I do that?
In addition, the ball jumps weird when it touches two platforms at the same time. Is there a possibility to avoid that weird jumping?
Jumping ball video:
public class Game1 : Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game
GraphicsDeviceManager graphics;
SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
World world;
Body rectangle, rectangle2, rectangle3, rectangle4, rectangle5, ballcircle;
Texture2D rectangleSprite, ballSprite;
private static float _displayUnitsToSimUnitsRatio = 100f;
public static Vector2 ToDisplayUnits(Vector2 simUnits)
return simUnits * _displayUnitsToSimUnitsRatio;
public Game1()
graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
Content.RootDirectory = "Content";
protected override void Initialize()
protected override void LoadContent()
spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
ballSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ball");
rectangleSprite = Content.Load<Texture2D>("tile");
if (world == null)
world = new World(new Vector2(0, 1));
ballcircle = BodyFactory.CreateCircle(world, 0.25f, 1.0f);
ballcircle.BodyType = BodyType.Dynamic;
ballcircle.Position = new Vector2(2.76f, 0f);
ballcircle.Restitution = 0.5f;
ballcircle.Friction = 0.3f;
rectangle = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 1.50f, 0.50f, 1.0f);
rectangle.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
rectangle.Position = new Vector2(2.96f, 1.16f);
rectangle.Rotation = -0.3f;
rectangle.Friction = 0.9f;
rectangle.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat5;
rectangle2 = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 1.50f, 0.50f, 1.0f);
rectangle2.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
rectangle2.Position = new Vector2(1.0f, 1.80f);
rectangle2.Rotation = 1.0f;
rectangle2.Friction = 0.9f;
rectangle2.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat5;
rectangle3 = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 1.50f, 0.50f, 1.0f);
rectangle3.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
rectangle3.Position = new Vector2(5.1f, 4.80f);
rectangle3.Friction = 0.9f;
rectangle3.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat5;
rectangle4 = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 1.50f, 0.50f, 1.0f);
rectangle4.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
rectangle4.Position = new Vector2(3.6f, 4.80f);
rectangle4.Friction = 0.9f;
rectangle4.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat5;
rectangle5 = BodyFactory.CreateRectangle(world, 1.50f, 0.50f, 1.0f);
rectangle5.BodyType = BodyType.Static;
rectangle5.Position = new Vector2(6.6f, 4.80f);
rectangle5.Friction = 0.9f;
rectangle5.CollisionCategories = Category.Cat5;
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
float elapsed = (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
world.Step(Math.Min(elapsed, (1f / 60f)));
KeyboardState kbState = Keyboard.GetState();
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
spriteBatch.Draw(ballSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(ballcircle.Position),
Color.White, ballcircle.Rotation, new Vector2(ballSprite.Width / 2.0f, ballSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1.0f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
spriteBatch.Draw(rectangleSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(rectangle.Position),
Color.White, rectangle.Rotation, new Vector2(rectangleSprite.Width / 2.0f, rectangleSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
spriteBatch.Draw(rectangleSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(rectangle2.Position),
Color.White, rectangle2.Rotation, new Vector2(rectangleSprite.Width / 2.0f, rectangleSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
spriteBatch.Draw(rectangleSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(rectangle3.Position),
Color.White, rectangle3.Rotation, new Vector2(rectangleSprite.Width / 2.0f, rectangleSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
spriteBatch.Draw(rectangleSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(rectangle4.Position),
Color.White, rectangle4.Rotation, new Vector2(rectangleSprite.Width / 2.0f, rectangleSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);
spriteBatch.Draw(rectangleSprite, ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(rectangle5.Position),
Color.White, rectangle5.Rotation, new Vector2(rectangleSprite.Width / 2.0f, rectangleSprite.Height / 2.0f), 1f,
SpriteEffects.None, 0f);