So, I'm learning how to generate terrain using Perlin Noise, and I came across this code:
#pragma once
class PerlinNoise
// Constructor
PerlinNoise(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed);
// Get Height
double GetHeight(double x, double y) const;
// Get
double Persistence() const { return persistence; }
double Frequency() const { return frequency; }
double Amplitude() const { return amplitude; }
int Octaves() const { return octaves; }
int RandomSeed() const { return randomseed; }
// Set
void Set(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed);
void SetPersistence(double _persistence) { persistence = _persistence; }
void SetFrequency( double _frequency) { frequency = _frequency; }
void SetAmplitude( double _amplitude) { amplitude = _amplitude; }
void SetOctaves( int _octaves) { octaves = _octaves; }
void SetRandomSeed( int _randomseed) { randomseed = _randomseed; }
double Total(double i, double j) const;
double GetValue(double x, double y) const;
double Interpolate(double x, double y, double a) const;
double Noise(int x, int y) const;
double persistence, frequency, amplitude;
int octaves, randomseed;
#include "PerlinNoise.h"
persistence = 0;
frequency = 0;
amplitude = 0;
octaves = 0;
randomseed = 0;
PerlinNoise::PerlinNoise(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed)
persistence = _persistence;
frequency = _frequency;
amplitude = _amplitude;
octaves = _octaves;
randomseed = 2 + _randomseed * _randomseed;
void PerlinNoise::Set(double _persistence, double _frequency, double _amplitude, int _octaves, int _randomseed)
persistence = _persistence;
frequency = _frequency;
amplitude = _amplitude;
octaves = _octaves;
randomseed = 2 + _randomseed * _randomseed;
double PerlinNoise::GetHeight(double x, double y) const
return amplitude * Total(x, y);
double PerlinNoise::Total(double i, double j) const
//properties of one octave (changing each loop)
double t = 0.0f;
double _amplitude = 1;
double freq = frequency;
for(int k = 0; k < octaves; k++)
t += GetValue(j * freq + randomseed, i * freq + randomseed) * _amplitude;
_amplitude *= persistence;
freq *= 2;
return t;
double PerlinNoise::GetValue(double x, double y) const
int Xint = (int)x;
int Yint = (int)y;
double Xfrac = x - Xint;
double Yfrac = y - Yint;
//noise values
double n01 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint-1);
double n02 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint-1);
double n03 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint+1);
double n04 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint+1);
double n05 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint);
double n06 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint);
double n07 = Noise(Xint, Yint-1);
double n08 = Noise(Xint, Yint+1);
double n09 = Noise(Xint, Yint);
double n12 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint-1);
double n14 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint+1);
double n16 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint);
double n23 = Noise(Xint-1, Yint+2);
double n24 = Noise(Xint+1, Yint+2);
double n28 = Noise(Xint, Yint+2);
double n34 = Noise(Xint+2, Yint+2);
//find the noise values of the four corners
double x0y0 = 0.0625*(n01+n02+n03+n04) + 0.125*(n05+n06+n07+n08) + 0.25*(n09);
double x1y0 = 0.0625*(n07+n12+n08+n14) + 0.125*(n09+n16+n02+n04) + 0.25*(n06);
double x0y1 = 0.0625*(n05+n06+n23+n24) + 0.125*(n03+n04+n09+n28) + 0.25*(n08);
double x1y1 = 0.0625*(n09+n16+n28+n34) + 0.125*(n08+n14+n06+n24) + 0.25*(n04);
//interpolate between those values according to the x and y fractions
double v1 = Interpolate(x0y0, x1y0, Xfrac); //interpolate in x direction (y)
double v2 = Interpolate(x0y1, x1y1, Xfrac); //interpolate in x direction (y+1)
double fin = Interpolate(v1, v2, Yfrac); //interpolate in y direction
return fin;
double PerlinNoise::Interpolate(double x, double y, double a) const
double negA = 1.0 - a;
double negASqr = negA * negA;
double fac1 = 3.0 * (negASqr) - 2.0 * (negASqr * negA);
double aSqr = a * a;
double fac2 = 3.0 * aSqr - 2.0 * (aSqr * a);
return x * fac1 + y * fac2; //add the weighted factors
double PerlinNoise::Noise(int x, int y) const
int n = x + y * 57;
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
int t = (n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
return 1.0 - double(t) * 0.931322574615478515625e-9;/// 1073741824.0);
The properties I decided to use were:
- persistence = 1.0
- frequency = 0.1
- amplitude = 2.0
- octaves = 1.0
- randomseed = 1.0
Once I was able to get it running, I noticed a peculiar bug; plugging in these pairs creates a peculiar break in the terrain:
x | z
39 | 39
39 | 40
40 | 39
40 | 40
I then noticed that it appears the terrain creates a border, and generates a new seeded terrain. These new seeds begin at x = +40, and z = +40. Toying around with different seeds, I get the same effect. Sometimes I get multitudes of 7x7 squares that are completely different seeds. I'm not really sure what's happening. At first I thought there was some sort of 3 dimensional tangent going on, but I don't see any trig functions in the code.
This bug appears to occur no matter how I alter the properties.
I realize this is more of a programming question, but i was hoping to find someone more math oriented to see if they could deduce why my terrain (think 3D graph) has breaks in it. It's like they switch to a different method once I plug in more numbers.
Here's an example of my terrain bug. Im using these properties this time:
- persistence = 1.1
- frequency = 0.002
- amplitude = 10.0
- octaves = 6.0
- randomseed = 1.0
and the break happens at x = 77, z = 77