How can I spin a roulette wheel in a clockwise direction using a tween?
I've successfully managed to rotate counter-clockwise to the exact segment, but changing the direction to go clockwise is still a problem.
extends Control
const DEGREES := 360.0
@onready var wheel := $Front as TextureRect
enum Directions {CCLOCKWISE=-1, CLOCKWISE=1}
@export var direction := Directions.CLOCKWISE
@export var segment_count := 8
@export var spin_time := 2.0
@export var spin_count := 1
var spinning := false
func spin(to_segment: int) -> void:
if spinning:
spinning = true
var d := DEGREES / segment_count
var r := d / 2
var t := (to_segment-1) * d - r
t += fposmod(wheel.rotation_degrees, DEGREES)
#t += randf_range(0, d) # add slight offset
var target := wheel.rotation_degrees - (spin_count * DEGREES) - t
var tween := create_tween().set_trans(Tween.TRANS_CUBIC).set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
await tween.tween_property(wheel, "rotation_degrees", target, spin_time).finished
spinning = false
func _input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
if event is InputEventMouseButton:
if event.pressed:
spin(randi() % segment_count + 1) # pick random segment