I'm starting out on my first 'proper' game project, and I've inevitably hit a block trying to decide how game components in XNA should communicate.
From previous (Java) GUI programming events, handlers and listeners seemed like the way forward. So I'd have some kind of event bus which accepts event registrations and classes subscribed to those events, with handlers to deal with them. For example (pseudocode):
class SpriteManager
// create new 'PlayerCollisionEvent'
class HUDManager
// Update the HUD (reduce lives etc)
However, I'm not sure of the code setup (in C#) that would be required to fully accomplish this. What keeps track of events (some kind of bus?), and how is it structured?
There also seems to be a lot mentioned about on Game Services, whereby you can register a GameComponent in your main Game.cs class, then fetch it from anywhere in your code that has a reference to the main 'Game' object. I've tried this with my SpriteBatch object and it seems very easy.. however, I can't see this being as flexible as an event model.
Take for example when an enemy dies. We want to update the game score. Using services I can get a reference to my StateManager object created in Game1 and added as a service, then set 'score' to the new value. I would of thought a 'onEnemyDeath' event, which can be handled differently by a multitude of classes, but initiated by 1 line of code in the relevant 'enemy death detection' section, would be better than individually casting each required GameComponent then calling whatever methods are required.
Or are these inferior strategies to something else?
I realise this is partly my poor C# knowledge as much as game communication paradigms, but I'd really like to get this fundamental thing right.
Having looked at Services is more detail I'm less convinced - it's basically passing a global variable around (from what I understand).
Update 2
Having had a look at this basic tutorial on event handling and testing the sample code it seems events would be a logical choice for what I'm discussing. But I can't much of it in use in the samples I've seen. Is there some obvious reason why one shouldn't?