I have three dynamic Rigidbody2D's, two of them paddles and the other a ball - this ball is also a trigger. If I used OnCollisionEnter before, I understand that the physics engine calculates the collision that should happen based on the position and velocity of the ball and paddle. This created the so called lag problem I had where seemingly two collision results happened. However, now I am using OnTriggerEnter and have a couple questions related to the problem I'm having.
When the ball is level with the paddle on the x-axis and you move up to hit it, the paddle is able to go through the ball but the collision happens from where the ball hit the paddle originally. Why is this? Also, if I print the x position of the ball, the position should be 7.175 but instead it's 7.19996, is there a way to get the actual point of collision? Is this linked to the first question?