I am trying to build a turn-based RPG where party members and enemies can cast skills and use items. How could I implement a modular list of skills/items/monsters (and maybe character classes, if I get there) so that each PartyMember or Enemy could choose a skill/item from the list and cast it?
My first attempt was this:
public static Dictionary<int, Skill> SkillDictionary = new Dictionary<int, Skill>
{1, new Skill1()},
{2, new Skill2()},
{3, new Skill3()},
public abstract class Skill
int skillIndex;
public abstract void CastSkill();
public class Skill1 : Skill
public Skill1(){skillIndex = 1;}
public override void CastSkill(){};
public class Skill2 : Skill
public Skill2(){skillIndex = 2;}
public override void CastSkill(){};
public class Skill3 : Skill
public Skill3(){skillIndex = 3;}
public override void CastSkill(){};
As my code currently stands, each skill is instantiated only once, before Main (due to the dictionary being static). Is there a way to do lazy loading so I won't have to instantiate the skill until called? Is lazy loading favorable to what I have so far? (in case I get to the point where I have LOTS of items, monsters, etc.) Furthermore, suppose I were to make a MonsterDictionary. Then would it be wise to call a Clone method in order to make a new instance of a monster? Perhaps:
public Monster
string name;
int otherStats;
public Monster(Monster clone)
this.name = clone.name;
this.otherStats = clone.otherStats;
And to create a new instance of the monster in battle, for example:
Enemy e = new Monster(MonsterDictionary["Slime"]);
Or - the golden question - is there a better design pattern altogether? Would an Enum be adequate instead of a dictionary in some of these cases? I'm relatively new to C# and game development, so I would like some feedback if possible. I'm curious to see how others organized their game data.