Assume I have a physics primitive I am going to call a "wire", wrapped around a 2D environment (as described in this question).
Here's an illustration of what that might look like:
In the example illustration: The box is being pulled upwards (held up) by the wire, and the box is pulling the wire downwards. The object on the spring is being pushed downward by the wire, but is also pushing the wire upwards.
While I haven't figured out how to implement it yet, assume the wire will slide freely across the points that it is wrapped around.
In a 2D physics simulation (ie: frame based) how do you calculate the forces (or impulses) to apply to the objects that are attached to or wrapped by a wire like this?
As I alluded to in my first question, I imagine that if the only non-static object "on" the wire was the mass at the end, then the force would be identical to a fixed-length joint between the mass and the point before that on the wire.