Is there such an algorithm to sort an array of 2D points in clockwise order?
I'm specifically dealing with right triangle in my case so only 3 points.
However I'm interested in knowing if such an algorithm exist, if not what is a simple way to return the 3 points of my triangle in clockwise order?
Edit: I am trying to compute the points clockwise relative to the centroid of the polygon, which is convex.
Update: This is the implementation I ended up using based on the chosen answer, it's not performance critical and only happens once in a while so it works out.
ArrayList<PVector> pointList = new ArrayList<PVector>();
Collections.sort( pointList, new TriangleVectorComparator(origin) );
return pointList;
// Comparator
package triangleeditor;
import java.util.Comparator;
import processing.core.PVector;
public class TriangleVectorComparator implements Comparator<PVector> {
private PVector M;
public TriangleVectorComparator(PVector origin) {
M = origin;
public int compare(PVector o1, PVector o2) {
double angle1 = Math.atan2(o1.y - M.y, o1.x - M.x);
double angle2 = Math.atan2(o2.y - M.y, o2.x - M.x);
//For counter-clockwise, just reverse the signs of the return values
if(angle1 < angle2) return 1;
else if (angle2 < angle1) return -1;
return 0;