
How do I make a btBoxShape around a Model or ModelInstance in Libgdx? This is my code:

collisionShape = new btBoxShape(boundingBox.getDimensions(tempVector3).scl(.5f));

This works and creates a box of the right size but it is offset from the model. I cant figure out how to make it around the model and not offset.


2 Answers 2


You have to use a btMotionState to synchronize model and bullet transforms. You use it like this (example taken from LibGDX wiki):

// Create your own implementation
public class MyMotionState extends btMotionState {
    Matrix4 transform;

    public void getWorldTransform (Matrix4 worldTrans) {

    public void setWorldTransform (Matrix4 worldTrans) {

// Then attach it to your body
btRigidBody body = ...;
ModelInstance instance = ...;
MyMotionState motionState = new MyMotionState();
motionState.transform = instance.transform;

The wiki is a very good place to get information about how to use the wrapper. You should also check out Xoppa's blog on the subject as he goes into more in-depth solutions.


You are setting it to offset with scaling dimensions with 0.5f . Try not to scale it or just create new vector3 at {0,0,0} .

collisionShape = new btBoxShape(boundingBox.getDimensions(tempVector3));
  • \$\begingroup\$ The scaling is because the parameters for the btBoxShape are half extents. I have tried making a new vector without scaling and it still doesn't work. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 20:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you provide screen capture. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 14, 2016 at 20:34

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