I'm planning to use GdxAI Telegraph in GdxAshley ecs framework, my problem is how I'm gonna create a telegraph component if I wanted to dispatch a message? I have created AIComponent
and AISystem
class AIComponent implements Component{
StateMachine<Entity, EntityState> fsm;
class AISystem extends IteratingSystem {
public void processEntity(Entity entity, float deltaTime) {
AIComponent ai = Mappers.ai.get(entity);
For example I wanted to dispatch a message using space input.
if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) {
0.0f, // no delay
entitySender, entityReceiver,
MessageType.SAYHELLO, null);
I'm thinking of creating a class that extends Entity
and implement it to Telegraph
. But the ashley ECS approach will be disregard here.
class EntityAI extends Entity implements Telegraph {
StateManager fsm;
public EntityAI (StateManager fsm) {
this.fsm = fsm;
public boolean handleMessage(Telegram telegram) {
return fsm.handleMessage(telegram); // In this part, the logic exists. Im thinking of creating a System that will handle message? but how
Question How do I properly convert the this EntityAI to entity-componentbased-system approach? In the below code is not tested but it was the idea entered my mind.
class Script implements Telegraph {
StateManager fsm;
public Script (StateManager fsm) {
this.fsm = fsm;
public boolean handleMessage(Telegram telegram) {
return fsm.handleMessage(telegram);
class ScriptComponent implements Component {
Script script;
ScriptComponent script
AIComponent ai
ai.fsm = new StateMachine();
script.script = new Script(ai.fsm); // as you can see here the fsm is used twice in component
// AIComponent has StateMachine
// ScriptComponent need StatMachine
// do you in the above code is a good idea?
0.0f, // no delay
scriptSendeer, scriptReceiver,
MessageType.SAYHELLO, null);