I'm implementing an adaptive tonemapper based on the standard "scale down the luminance map to a 1x1 texture" approach.
This is my code following the rendering of the luminance map:
//Average the luminance map by creating a 1x1 mipmap.
m_pImmediateContext->CopyResource(m_cpuLumTex, m_lumTexture);
float* lumMap;
m_pImmediateContext->Map(m_cpuLumTex, 0, D3D11_MAP_READ, 0, &texture);
lumMap = (float*) texture.pData;
m_avgLuminance = lumMap[0]; // Should work? ^^;
m_pImmediateContext->Unmap(m_cpuLumTex, 0);
float lastLum = m_timedAvgLuminance;
float currentLum = exp(m_avgLuminance);
float adaptedLum = lastLum + (currentLum - lastLum) * (1 - exp(-.1 * 0.5));
m_timedAvgLuminance = adaptedLum;
I'd like to read back the calculated average luminance to the CPU for reasons, but what I'm finding is that when I set m_avgLuminance
to the mapped-back texture, it's grabbing the pixel at 0,0. If the map were a 1x1 texture, this wouldn't be an issue, but it seems I'm not getting the 1x1 texture, but instead the full-sized luminance texture (screen-sized), so what I wind up with is an image tonemapped by the 0,0 pixel instead of the overall average luminance of the scene.
What am I doing wrong here? How can I read the 1x1 generated mip map texture instead of the full-sized texture?