Am looking for ideas on how to do the following: I want to write a simple "world" in Java. One which I could start and then add new objects later at a later date to simulate/observe different behaviours between existing objects. The plan is then to code up newer objects after watching the old ones for a while and then load/drop them into the existing world. The problem is that I don't want to ever stop or restart the world once it's started, I want it to run for a few weeks but I do need the ability to drop in objects and redo/rewrite/delete/create/mutate them over time without needing a reboot. The world could be as simple as a 100 x 100 array of X/Y locations, with a possible tiled-map GUI to visually represent the world. I know I need some kind of ticktimer process to monitor objects and give each one a 'chance to act' (if they wanted to? (and if it was their turn to act?)).
Example: I code up on Monday and leave it running. Then on Tuesday I write a new class called (that doesn't move). I then load/drop it (somehow?) into this already running world (which just drops it someplace random in the world array and never moves). Then on Wednesday I create a new class called and drop that into the world, again placed randomly, but this new object can move around the world (over some unit of time), then on Thursday i write a class called which also moves around but can 'act' on another object if it's in the neighbour location and vice versa.
Here's the thing. I don't know what kinda of structure/design I would need to code the actual world class to know how to detect/load/track future (and currently non-existing) objects.
Any ideas on how you would do something like this using Java?