So iam trying to practice java with a text based adventure game. This code gives out an enemy of an array(random) and then gives it a Randoam health between 0 and 100. What I want to do is give each enemy in the array properties like hp or attack damage while having a random enemy "drop".
I thought about doing it with if statements but I did some research and found about getters and setters, but I haven't been able to get it working so I deleted it.
I also thought about doing it with multiple classes but I am just to new to java to get it working.
Here is my code (The base is from a yt video but I added some things like the boss, stats and item drops):
import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner;
public class Firstd {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String filepath = "bgmusic.wav";
String file = "death.wav";
music musicObjekt = new music();
musicObjekt.playMusic (filepath);
//System Objects
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
Random rand = new Random();
//Player variables
int health = 100; //Start Health
int attackDamage = 40; //Attack Damage
int numHealthPots = 3; //Number of Health potions
int healthPotionHealAmount = 30; //What number of Healing
int healthPotionDropChance = 60; //Percentage of drops
int score = 0; // score enemies defeated
int numpots = 0; //used pots
int statsdam = 0; // number of damage dealt
int statsdamtaken = 0; //number of damage taken
int swordChance = 15;
int shieldChance = 15;
int bossHealth = 200;
boolean bossDefeated = false;
boolean swordowned = false;
boolean shieldowned = false;
//Game variables
String[] enemies = {"Zombie" , "Assasin" , "Giant" , "Skeleton"};
int maxEnemyHealth = 80;
int enemyAttackDamage = 25;
boolean running = true;
System.out.println("Welcome to the Dungeon");
GAME: //Label of While Loop (Main Loop)
while(running) {
int enemyHealth = rand.nextInt(maxEnemyHealth);
int sword = rand.nextInt(swordChance);
enemyHealth = enemyHealth += 10;
String enemy = enemies[rand.nextInt(enemies.length)]; //Randoam Enemy from array
System.out.println("\t# " + enemy + " appeared! #\n"); // Tab than # than rand enemy than #
while(enemyHealth > 0) { //When Enemy not dead (0) keep going
System.out.println("\tYour HP: " + health); //All the options aveible
System.out.println("\t" + enemy + "´s HP: " + enemyHealth);
System.out.println("\n\tWhat would you like to do?");
System.out.println("\t1. Attack");
System.out.println("\t2. Drink health potion");
System.out.println("\t3. Run!");
String input = in.nextLine(); //Input from User and set cases
if(input.equals("1")) {
int damageDealt = rand.nextInt(attackDamage);
int damageTake = rand.nextInt(enemyAttackDamage);
enemyHealth -= damageDealt; //Health minus the attack
if(shieldowned == true) {
if (damageTake <= 10) {
health -= damageTake;
health -= damageTake - 10;
else {
health -= damageTake;
System.out.println("\t> You strike the " + enemy + " for " + damageDealt + " damage");
System.out.println("\t> You recived " + damageTake + " in retaliation!\n");
statsdam += 0 + damageDealt;
statsdamtaken += 0 + damageTake;
if(health <= 0) {
System.out.println("\t> You have taken too much damage, you are too weak to go on!\n");
break GAME;
else if(input.equals("2")) {
if(numHealthPots > 0) {
health += healthPotionHealAmount;
numHealthPots --;
System.out.println("\t> You drint a health potion, healing yourself for " + healthPotionHealAmount
+ "\n\t> You have now have " + health + " HP."
+ "\n\t> You have " + numHealthPots + " health potions left.\n");
else {
System.out.println("\t> You have no health potion left! Defeat enemies for a chance to get one!");
else if(input.equals("3")) {
System.out.println("\t You hava run from the " + enemy + "!");
continue GAME; //Breakout of the Loop go to above generator a new enemy
else {
System.out.print("\tWhat are you doing?");
System.out.println(" # " + enemy + " was defeated! #");
System.out.println(" # You have " + health + "HP left. #");
System.out.println("What would you like to do now?");
System.out.println("1. Continue fighting");
System.out.println("2. Exit dungeon");
String input5 = in.nextLine(); //Input when input not 1 or 2 say not valid
while(!input5.equals("1") && !input5.equals("2")) {
System.out.println("What are you doing?");
input5 = in.nextLine();
if(input5.equals("1")) {
System.out.println("You continue on your adventure!");
continue GAME;
else if (input5.equals("2")) {
System.out.println("You exit the dungeon, successful from your adventure!\n");
if(health < 1) { // if player dead
System.out.println("You limp out of the dungeon, weak from battle :(\n");
music musicObjekt1 = new music();
musicObjekt1.playMusic (file);
if(rand.nextInt(100) < swordChance) {
if(swordowned == true) {
else {
attackDamage += 4 + attackDamage;
System.out.println("The " + enemy + " dropped a sword! You are know able to make more damage! (+4HP attack damage)\n");
swordowned = true;
else {
if(rand.nextInt(100) < shieldChance) {
if(shieldowned == true) {
else {
System.out.println("The " + enemy + " dropped a shield! You are now more resistent to damage! (-10HP on every attack above 10HP)\n");
shieldowned = true;
else {
if (score == 5) {
System.out.println("\tA Boss appeared!");
System.out.println("\tIt´s a Witch!");
System.out.println("\tThe Witch has " + bossHealth + "HP!");
System.out.println("\tYou need to fight, no escape this time!");
while(bossHealth > 0) { //When Enemy not dead (0) keep going
System.out.println("\tYour HP: " + health); //All the options avaible
System.out.println("\tWitch´s HP: " + bossHealth);
System.out.println("\n\tWhat would you like to do?");
System.out.println("\t1. Attack");
System.out.println("\t2. Drink health potion");
String input1 = in.nextLine();
if(input1.equals("1")) {
int damageDealt = rand.nextInt(attackDamage);
int damageTake = rand.nextInt(enemyAttackDamage);
bossHealth -= damageDealt; //Health minus the attack
health -= damageTake;
System.out.println("\t> You strike the Witch for " + damageDealt + " damage");
System.out.println("\t> You recived " + damageTake + " in retaliation!\n");
statsdam += 0 + damageDealt;
statsdamtaken += 0 + damageTake;
if(health < 1) {
System.out.println("\t> You have taken too much damage, you are too weak to go on!\n");
break BOSS;
if(bossHealth < 1) {
System.out.println("# YOU KILLED THE WITCH! #");
System.out.println("# YOU RECIVE 2 HEALTH POTS! #");
numHealthPots = 2 + numHealthPots;
System.out.println("You now own " + numHealthPots + " health potions!");
bossDefeated = true;
else if(input1.equals("2")) {
if(numHealthPots > 0) {
health += healthPotionHealAmount;
numHealthPots --;
System.out.println("\t> You drint a health potion, healing yourself for " + healthPotionHealAmount
+ "\n\t> You have now have " + health + " HP."
+ "\n\t> You have " + numHealthPots + " health potions left.\n");
else {
System.out.println("\t> You have no health potion left! Defeat enemies for a chance to get one!");
else {
System.out.print("\tYou can not escape!\t");
if(rand.nextInt(100) < healthPotionDropChance) { //Generator a rand number if number less than drop chance than drop a hp
System.out.println(" # The " + enemy + " dropped a health potion! # ");
System.out.println(" # You have " + numHealthPots + " health potion(s). # " );
System.out.println("# THANKS FOR PLAYING! #");
//System.out.println("# YOU KILLED " + score + " ENEMIE(S)! #"); // add if when 1 enemy than enemies when more than enemies
System.out.println("######### Stats #########");
if (bossDefeated == true) {
System.out.println("# You killed the Witch! Congrats!");
if (score == 0) {
System.out.println("# You killed no enemy! Weakkk!! #");
else if (score == 1) {
System.out.println("# You killed one enemy! #");
else if (score > 1) {
System.out.println("# You killed " + score + " enemies! #");
if (swordowned == true) {
System.out.println("# You found the sword! #");
else {
System.out.println("# You did not find the sword :( #");
if (shieldowned == true) {
System.out.println("# You found the shield! #");
else {
System.out.println("# You did not find the shield :( #");
System.out.println("# You used " + numpots + " health potions! #");
System.out.println("# You did " + statsdam + "HP damage to your enemies! #");
System.out.println("# You took " + statsdamtaken + "HP damage from your enemies! #");