I am working on a voxel game engine using OpenGL binding for JVM languages (scala is my case) - LWJGL 3 for OpenGL version 4.5 . Currently I'm stuck with chunk rendering (32*32*32 blocks). To render any object I firstly give it an unique ID, treating similar objects, like simple blocks, as one with different transformations, create one VAO data thing in initialization stage and after all preparation is done, I render a whole chunk looping through each block, passing its data to the shader and then calling drawElements with appropriate offset, taken from ID. This way fps drops from 3000(with 3 axis lines and a huge grid object rendered separately) to 1-2. So how should I correctly render a chunk ?
I used https://sites.google.com/site/letsmakeavoxelengine/home/basic-block-rendering tutorial as reference.
Fps dropping code:
def render(shader:Shader): Unit ={
for(x <- 0 until SIZE) {
for (y <- 0 until SIZE) {
for (z <- 0 until SIZE) {
val obj = blocks(x)(y)(z)
if(obj != null){
val M = obj.getTransformationMatrix() * Matrix4F.matrixTRANSLATION(obj.getPosition())
shader.setUniformMat4f("M", M)
shader.setUniformMat4f("MI", M.inverse())
shader.setUniformBool("lightInteraction", obj.lightInteraction)
shader.setUniform1f("smoothness", obj.smoothness)
shader.setUniform3f("matD", obj.matDiffuse)
shader.setUniform3f("matS", obj.matSpecular)
GL13.glActiveTexture(GL13.GL_TEXTURE0); // Texture unit 0
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, obj.getTextureID())
Shader.full.setUniform1i("tex", 0)
RenderRegistry.getRenderManager().render(obj.getID, obj.getRenderType())
EDIT: for those who are interested, instanced arrays helped me a lot ! Link for a tut: http://learnopengl.com/#!Advanced-OpenGL/Instancing