Is there someone who know/have an algorithm which can perform terrain triangulation like on the example image right under (there is a secondary image as well).
The reason I say "Dynamic" is because I want it to support Dynamic changes to the terrain, like if one was to dig into the ground or into the side of a mountain, then it should be capable of triangulating the new changes without destroying the old terrain which doesn't need changes.
Ignore the things like the trees, etc. This is only about the style of the terrain itself.
I've tried using the Marching Cubes Algorithm, though it didn't give me that triangle'ish feeling, like in the image(s) above (While ignoring the normal rendering in my example).
Bottom Line
Does anybody know/have an algorithm, or any idea of how to...
- Triangulate terrain so it have that style like in the above example image(s).
- Support dynamic changes like Marching Cubes does, but with this triangle'ish style.
Note: All the "points" would be in an unsorted list, where the "points" of course is all the vertices, which should be used to generate all the triangles from.
Disclaimer: I usually answer and sometimes ask question on Stack Overflow, so if anything is wrong with my question here I apologize, though comment and I will fix whatever is wrong.