I am designing a keyboard class that can detect the keyboard key press only one time but I still cannot figure out the way to do it. My goal is just check and perform the action only once when the same key is keep pressing or keep holding and no action performed when 2 action keys are pressed at the same time. For example, when I keep pressing or holding key A, action 1 is only perform once. Then I keep pressing or holding another key B, action 2 is also perform once. I cannot peform any action if I press key A and B at the same time.
There is two class inside KeyboardClass header and cpp file i.e. KeyboardClientClass and KeyboardServerClass.
// Filename: KeyboardClass.h
// Class prototype
class KeyboardServerClass;
// Class name: KeyboardClientClass
class KeyboardClientClass
KeyboardClientClass( const KeyboardServerClass& KeyboardServer );
bool KeyIsPressed( unsigned char keycode ) const;
bool KeyIsPressedOnce( unsigned char keycode );
unsigned char tempKeyCode;
const KeyboardServerClass& server;
class KeyboardServerClass
friend KeyboardClientClass;
void OnKeyPressed( unsigned char keycode );
void OnKeyReleased( unsigned char keycode );
static const int nKeys = 256;
bool keystates[ nKeys ];
bool isKeyDown;
// Filename: KeyboardClass.cpp
#include "KeyboardClass.h"
KeyboardClientClass::KeyboardClientClass( const KeyboardServerClass& KeyboardServer )
: server ( KeyboardServer )
tempKeyCode = 257;
bool KeyboardClientClass::KeyIsPressed( unsigned char keycode ) const
return server.keystates[ keycode ];
bool KeyboardClientClass::KeyIsPressedOnce( unsigned char keycode )
if ( tempKeyCode != keycode )
tempKeyCode = keycode;
return server.keystates[ keycode ];
return false;
for ( int x = 0; x < nKeys; x++ )
keystates[ x ] = false;
isKeyDown = true;
void KeyboardServerClass::OnKeyPressed( unsigned char keycode )
keystates [ keycode ] = true;
isKeyDown = false;
void KeyboardServerClass::OnKeyReleased( unsigned char keycode )
keystates [ keycode ] = false;
isKeyDown = true;
Firstly, I create the a KeyboardServer object to keep track of the keyboard messgae from Windows Procedure.
LRESULT CALLBACK SystemClass::MessageHandler( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
switch ( msg )
//************ KEYBOARD MESSAGES ************ //
// Check if a key has been pressed on the keyboard
if ( wParam == VK_ESCAPE )
PostQuitMessage( 0 );
// If a key is pressed send it to the KeyboardServer object so it can record the state
m_KeyboardServer.OnKeyPressed( wParam );
// Check if a key has been released on the keyboard
case WM_KEYUP:
// If a key is released then send it to the KeyboardServer object so it can unset the state for that key
m_KeyboardServer.OnKeyReleased( wParam );
// ************ END KEYBOARD MESSAGES ************ //
Then, I create a KeyboardClient object at Game class to check whether a key has been pressed or not and perform the action based on key pressed.
if ( m_Keyboard.KeyIsPressed( KEY_B ) )
// Do action A
else if ( m_Keyboard.KeyIsPressed( KEY_N ) )
// Do action B