I've been trying to get this working for ages now, I can detect if there's a solid block at any place on the map and I can check how far something is inside of it, but I don't understand how to fix the collision. I've tried loads of ways and all of them end up by the player getting stuck, glitching around, incorrect responses and I really have no idea how to go about this :/.
int Chnk = Utility.GetChunkFromPosition(origin);
if (Chnk == -1)
Vector3 Pos = Utility.GetCubeVectorFromPosition(origin);
if (GlobalWorld.LoadedChunks[Chnk].Blocks[(byte)Pos.X, (byte)Pos.Y, (byte)Pos.Z] != 0)
isInIllegalState = true;
if (velocity.Y < 0f)
velocity.Y = 0f;
while (isInIllegalState)
if (GlobalWorld.LoadedChunks[Chnk].Blocks[(byte)Pos.X, (byte)origin.Y, (byte)Pos.Z] != 0)
origin.Y = (int)(origin.Y + 1);
else isInIllegalState = false;
if (origin.Y < Chunk.YSize - 2 && GlobalWorld.LoadedChunks[Chnk].Blocks[(byte)Pos.X, (byte)(origin.Y + playerHeight.Y), (byte)Pos.Z] != 0)
velocity.Y = 0f;
//Acceleration.Y = 0f;
origin.Y = (int)origin.Y;// -0.5f;
for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x+=2)
for (int z = -1; z <= 1; z += 2)
Vector3 CornerPosition = new Vector3(boundingSize * x, 0, boundingSize * z);
bool CorrectX = false;
bool CorrectZ = false;
Vector3 RoundedOrigin = Utility.RoundVector(origin);
Vector3 RoundedCorner = Utility.RoundVector(origin + CornerPosition);
byte BlockAdjacent = Utility.GetCubeFromPosition(origin + CornerPosition);
if (BlockAdjacent == 0)
if (RoundedCorner.X != RoundedOrigin.X && RoundedCorner.Z != RoundedOrigin.Z)
CorrectX = true;
CorrectZ = true;
if (RoundedCorner.Z != RoundedOrigin.Z && RoundedCorner.X == RoundedOrigin.X)
CorrectZ = true;
if (RoundedCorner.X != RoundedOrigin.X && RoundedCorner.Z == RoundedOrigin.Z)
CorrectX = true;
if (CorrectX && CornerPosition.X > 0)
if (origin.X > 0f)
origin.X = (int)(origin.X + 1) - boundingSize;
else origin.X = (int)origin.X - boundingSize;
else if (CorrectX && CornerPosition.X < 0)
if (origin.X > 0f)
origin.X = (int)(origin.X) + boundingSize;
else origin.X = (int)(origin.X - 1) + boundingSize;
if (CorrectZ && CornerPosition.Z > 0)
if (origin.Z > 0f)
origin.Z = (int)(origin.Z + 1) - boundingSize;
else origin.Z = (int)origin.Z - boundingSize;
else if (CorrectZ && CornerPosition.Z < 0)
if (origin.Z > 0f)
origin.Z = (int)(origin.Z) + boundingSize;
else origin.Z = (int)(origin.Z - 1) + boundingSize;