This is my 2D AABB approach to the solution. It should translate easily into 3D, simply by adding the Z axis. Replace "Left" and "Right" with "West" and "East", add "North" and "South", and keep "Up" and "Down". "West" and "East" would be X, "North" and "South" would be Y, and "Up" and "Down" should then be Z.
What I do is pick all the tiles that intersect with the entity based on size, and then keep it as tile start and end positions. After that, I construct two lists of tiles based on direction, holding only solid tiles. The corner is kept separate, to avoid the list having the same point twice which would be the corner.
I then iterate the list of solid tiles, and then fix velocity according if we intersect with the tile in the next position.
The corner is a special case in my engine, rather than increase the steps, I just rule you always land on top.
Feel free to ask questions, though I'd encourage you to try and rewrite it for your own engine, to get a better grasp on what the function is doing.
private Vector2 ApplyTileCollision(Vector2 velocity)
Vector2 nextPosition = this.position + velocity;
Int32 startx = (Int32)(((Single)position.X) / Tile.SIZE) - 1;
Int32 endx = (Int32)(((Single)position.X + this.Width - 0.0001f) / Tile.SIZE) + 1; // because of float imprecision, we subtract 0.0001f.
Int32 starty = (Int32)(((Single)position.Y) / Tile.SIZE) - 1;
Int32 endy = (Int32)(((Single)position.Y + this.Height - 0.0001f) / Tile.SIZE) + 1; // because of float imprecision, we subtract 0.0001f.
// these variables are filled with only solid tiles
List<Point> horizontalWall = new List<Point>();
List<Point> verticalWall = new List<Point>();
Point ?corner = null;
if (this.IsMovingRight)
// we use starty + 1 to remove the corner
for (Int32 y = starty + 1; y < endy; y += 1)
if (realm.GetTile(endx, y).IsSolid)
verticalWall.Add(new Point(endx, y));
else if (this.IsMovingLeft)
// we use starty + 1 to remove the corner
for (Int32 y = starty + 1; y < endy; y += 1)
if (realm.GetTile(startx, y).IsSolid)
verticalWall.Add(new Point(startx, y));
if (this.IsMovingDown)
// we use startx + 1 to remove the corner
for (Int32 x = startx + 1; x < endx; x += 1)
if (realm.GetTile(x, endy).IsSolid)
horizontalWall.Add(new Point(x, endy));
else if (this.IsMovingUp)
// we use startx + 1 to remove the corner
for (Int32 x = startx + 1; x < endx; x += 1)
if (realm.GetTile(x, starty).IsSolid)
horizontalWall.Add(new Point(x, starty));
if (this.IsMovingLeft && this.IsMovingUp)
if (realm.GetTile(startx, starty).IsSolid)
corner = new Point(startx, starty);
else if (this.IsMovingRight && this.IsMovingUp)
if (realm.GetTile(endx, starty).IsSolid)
corner = new Point(endx, starty);
else if (this.IsMovingLeft && this.IsMovingDown)
if (realm.GetTile(startx, endy).IsSolid)
corner = new Point(startx, endy);
else if (this.IsMovingRight && this.IsMovingDown)
if (realm.GetTile(endx, endy).IsSolid)
corner = new Point(endx, endy);
foreach (Point point in verticalWall)
// if our next position would collide with the tile, we fix velocity.
if (nextPosition.X + this.Width > point.X * Tile.SIZE &&
nextPosition.X < point.X * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE)
if (this.IsMovingRight)
velocity.X = point.X * Tile.SIZE - (position.X + this.Width);
else if (this.IsMovingLeft)
velocity.X = (point.X * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE) - position.X;
foreach (Point point in horizontalWall)
// if our next position would collide with the tile, we fix velocity.
if (nextPosition.Y + this.Height > point.Y * Tile.SIZE &&
nextPosition.Y < point.Y * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE)
if (this.IsMovingDown)
velocity.Y = point.Y * Tile.SIZE - (position.Y + this.Height);
else if (this.IsMovingUp)
velocity.Y = (point.Y * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE) - position.Y;
// in case we only have a corner to consider, we rule that we land on top of it, or hit the bottom of it.
if (corner.HasValue && verticalWall.Count == 0 && horizontalWall.Count == 0)
// if our next position would collide with the tile, we fix velocity.
if (nextPosition.Y + this.Height > corner.Value.Y * Tile.SIZE &&
nextPosition.Y < corner.Value.Y * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE &&
nextPosition.X + this.Width > corner.Value.X * Tile.SIZE &&
nextPosition.X < corner.Value.X * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE)
if (this.IsMovingDown)
velocity.Y = corner.Value.Y * Tile.SIZE - (position.Y + this.Height);
else if (this.IsMovingUp)
velocity.Y = (corner.Value.Y * Tile.SIZE + Tile.SIZE) - position.Y;
return velocity;