I have written a code that would create background image as a button and then show a letter on that button. This should become a virtual keyboard.
I am experiencing weird drawing that looks like this:
I do not see what my mistake is.
The following is the code that I have placed on the canvas object:
To replicate the problem, do the following:
The project requires a canvas, parented to the root.
Add the script "VirtualKeyboard" to it which is stated in this post.
Next, add an image to this canvas and name it "BackgroundImage". Set the image's anchor preset to "stretch / stretch". Set its color to red.
Press Play
(Please note that in the code stated below I have removed most of the buttons to keep this post short):
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class VirtualKeyboard : MonoBehaviour
public class vbutton : MonoBehaviour
public int index;
public float left;
public float top;
public float width;
public float height;
public string caption;
private vbutton pMakeKey(int index, float left, float top, float width, float height, string caption)
vbutton newButton = new vbutton();
newButton.index = index;
newButton.left = left;
newButton.top = top;
newButton.width = width;
newButton.height = height;
newButton.caption = caption;
return newButton;
public float screenWidth = Screen.width;
public float screenHeight = Screen.height;
public float referenceWidth = 1920f; // Replace with your reference width
public float referenceHeight = 1080f; // Replace with your reference height
public float ratioX;
public float ratioY;
void Start()
ratioX = screenWidth / referenceWidth;
ratioY = screenHeight / referenceHeight;
List<vbutton> keys = new List<vbutton>();
keys.Add(pMakeKey(1038, 1028 * ratioX, 141 * ratioY, 57 * ratioX, 43 * ratioY, ""));
keys.Add(pMakeKey(1040, 1028 * ratioX, 185 * ratioY, 57 * ratioX, 43 * ratioY, ""));
// Get the canvas to use as parent for the keyboard keys
Canvas canvas = GetComponent<Canvas>();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
// Create a new GameObject for the key
GameObject key = new GameObject(keys[i].caption);
RectTransform keyRectTransform = key.AddComponent<RectTransform>();
keyRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(keys[i].left, -keys[i].top);
keyRectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(keys[i].width, keys[i].height);
// Add a Button component to the key
Button button = key.AddComponent<Button>();
// Add a Text component to the key and set its text to the current key string
Text text = key.AddComponent<Text>();
text.text = keys[i].caption;
text.font = Resources.GetBuiltinResource<Font>("Arial.ttf"); // Set the font
text.color = Color.black;
text.fontSize = 24; // Set the font size
text.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; // Center the text
// Add a callback function to the button click event
button.onClick.AddListener(() => OnButtonClicked(keys[i].caption));
void OnButtonClicked(string buttonCaption)
Debug.Log("Button " + buttonCaption + " was clicked!");
// Do whatever you need to do when a button is clicked here
This screenshot shows the properties of the "BackgroundImage" that I use as a background:
And this is what the gameview looks like as well as the Canvas properties: