I just wanted to fact check myself on a scenario where the player may be locked out of input.
With this example, there is a chance that the player's input will not be received if they happen to press the button during WaitForSeconds(), correct?
private IEnumerator CheckForButton()
// Check for player input at the beginning of the method
if (GameEngine.Instance.InputController.playerActions.Menu.Select.WasPressedThisFrame())
// do stuff
yield break;
// Is the player is locked out of input here?
yield return NewWaitForSeconds(2f)
To avoid that, would using a loop as a timer and checking for player input like this be a more correct way?
private IEnumerator CheckForButton
// Check for input at the beginning of the method
if (GameEngine.Instance.InputController.playerActions.Menu.Select.WasPressedThisFrame())
// do stuff
float t = 0;
float targetTime = 2f;
// Also check for input while the timer counts down
while(t < targetTime)
if (GameEngine.Instance.InputController.playerActions.Menu.Select.WasPressedThisFrame())
// do stuff
yield break;
t += Time.deltaTime;
yield return null;
To be more concise, will the player be locked out of input if they press a button during WaitForSeconds()? Thanks!