I was implementing the new Input system for my game, when I saw that I still had a script in my player that wouldnt allow me to start the scene, because the script still operated with the old input manager. Its probably just because I literally ask him to do so, in line 24, I think. I was still wondering if someone could tell me, how to actually use the new input system for this script and how I would have to change the script for it. And also btw I actually want to use it with an xbox one controller, if that would change anthing. Heres the script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
public class PlayerAttack : MonoBehaviour{
private float timeBtwAttack;
public float startTimeBtwAttack;
PlayerControls controls;
public Transform attackPos;
public LayerMask whatIsEnemies;
//public Animator camAnim;
//public Animator playerAnim;
public float attackRangeX;
public float attackRangeY;
public int damage;
void Update(){
if(timeBtwAttack <= 0){
Collider2D[] enemiesToDamage = Physics2D.OverlapBoxAll(attackPos.position, new Vector2(attackRangeX, attackRangeY), 0, whatIsEnemies);
for (int i = 0; i < enemiesToDamage.Length; i++) {
timeBtwAttack = startTimeBtwAttack;
} else {
timeBtwAttack -= Time.deltaTime;
}void OnDrawGizmosSelected(){
Gizmos.color = Color.black;
Gizmos.DrawWireCube(attackPos.position, new Vector3(attackRangeX, attackRangeY, 1));