Suppose you have a drone the shape of a cube with rotors on each face, it's completely unable to control its roll-pitch-yaw, but it can accelerate along any of its 3D orthogonal vectors (see image below). However, there's also a gravitational force that accelerates the drone down in the -Z axis of the world frame.
Given the quaternion representing the rotation of the drone, how would you construct a command such that it eliminates the acceleration caused by gravity? This command is applied along the drone's orthogonal vectors in the form [x,y,z]. For the sake of this question let's say the vector that completely opposes gravity is given as [0,0,1] in the world frame.
Just to clarify what I mean by "command", if the drone was completely aligned with the world axis the command needed to counteract gravity would just be [0,0,1]. If the drone was rotated forward such that it's +Z-axis is aligned with the world's +X-axis and the drone's +X-axis is aligned with the world's -Z-axis (see image above) the command needed would be [-1,0,0].
For my approach, which obviously isn't working, I tried solving this by rotating the vector [0,0,1] by the quaternion with rotquat(vec(0,0,1,0),Q) in the following lua code:
vec = function(x,y,z,w) return {x=x,y=y,z=z,w=w} end
function mquat(Q,R)
return vec(
function rotquat(V,Q)
return mquat(mquat(Q,V),vec(-Q.x,-Q.y,-Q.z,Q.w))
This kind've works for the first few seconds, the commands are applied perfectly along the world +z-axis. However, as the drone begins to naturally rotate the commands slowly shift off the +z-axis and it zips off in the wrong direction.
Any ideas on what I should do to fix this?