Currently I'm rolling my own score and leader board functionality in my FB canvas game.
In my game, users can see what score they have, in addition I have a public leader board where everybody can see all scores from all other users.(I also have possibility for each user to set themselves as anonymous in the leader board, if desired)
But now I started thinking; why do I have my own leader board system? Facebook has this scores API and I started play around with it. It, of course, integrates well with Facebook, scores and achievement showing up in the ticker and what not.
But it seems that I can't let each user see a public leader board in much the same way I currently have it. But it do let the users see their friends score.
Let's face it, this is all what FB is all about, right? Friends.
So the question is; should i scrap my own leader board and go for the Facebook built in one (and skip the public part of it)?
My gut feeling says yes, but I wanted to hear what other thinks.