I have been working on a project for a while now, and i'm reaching the point where my character controller is starting to do more than just move/jump/crouch so I split the interaction stuff off into its own State machine, there are only two states so far for the interaction FSM but I am having problems with input firing in both states.
For example:
Target Object > Press E to fire Interaction > Is Carryable Type > Pick up > Move Around > Press E to fire release carry > Item is dropped > Frame Passes > I shoot straight through the first default state (idle) back to Player_Interaction_Carry resulting in the object being picked back up before it can even hit the floor.
I understand what the issue is, as I am holding a Object, pressing E to release the object works, but then next frame I pass straight through Interaction_idle (E is still down because its a fractions of a second) again to Interaction_Carry.
I thought a state machine would help me fix such problems in that the input would be 'per state'? have I implemented the states or state machine incorrectly? Perhaps I need an event input queue?
Any help appreciated, I have included my statemachine component, and the two interaction states.
Apologies if there is a lot to read, I also couldnt manage to split the scripts into seperate code blocks for easier reading.
Thank you
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EntityStateMachine_Comp : MonoBehaviour
public BaseState currentState;
private BaseState lastState;
private PlayerController _playerController;
private void Start()
_playerController = GetComponent<PlayerController>();
public void Update()
if (currentState != null)
public void ChangeToState(BaseState nextState)
if (currentState != null)
Debug.Log("change to state called");
lastState = currentState;
currentState = nextState;
public BaseState GetLastState()
if (lastState != null)
return lastState;
return null;
public class Player_Interaction_Idle_State : BaseState
public GameObject carryTarget;
public IInteractable interactable;
private PlayerInteractable_Raycaster_Comp _playerRaycaster;
public Player_Interaction_Idle_State(PlayerController playerController, EntityStateMachine_Comp entityStateMachineComponent) : base(playerController, entityStateMachineComponent)
public override void OnEnter()
_playerRaycaster = _playerController.interactableRaycast;
public override void OnExit()
public void InteractWithWidget(IInteractable interactable)
InteractableType interactableType = interactable.InteractionType;
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
switch (interactableType)
case InteractableType.USE:
case InteractableType.CARRY:
_playerController.carryTarget = interactable.Transform.gameObject;
_playerController.isCarrying = true;
_stateMachineController.ChangeToState(new Player_Interaction_Carry_State(_playerController, _stateMachineController));
case InteractableType.LOOT:
_playerController.playerInventory.AddItem(interactable.Item, 1);
public void RemoveWidgetFromWorld(IInteractable interactable)
//make sure to reset targets on raycaster
public override void OnUpdate()
public class Player_Interaction_Carry_State : BaseState
private AttachmentPoint attachTarget;
private GameObject _carryTarget;
private ICarryable _carryTargetCarryable;
public Player_Interaction_Carry_State(PlayerController playerController, EntityStateMachine_Comp entityStateMachineComponent) : base(playerController, entityStateMachineComponent)
public override void OnEnter()
_carryTarget = _playerController.carryTarget;
_carryTargetCarryable = _carryTarget.GetComponent<ICarryable>();
Debug.Log("On enter interaction carry");
public override void OnExit()
public void CanCarry(ICarryable carryable)
attachTarget = _playerController.attachComp.GetNextUnoccupiedHand(carryable.CarryType);
if (attachTarget != null)
_playerController.isCarrying = true;
public override void OnUpdate()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) && _playerController.isCarrying)
Debug.Log("E Down Called, Player is carrying and currentinteractable target is same as carry target");
_playerController.isCarrying = false;
//interactable.Transform.parent = null;
Debug.Log("Release object");
attachTarget = null;
_playerController.carryTarget = null;
_stateMachineController.ChangeToState(new Player_Interaction_Idle_State(_playerController, _stateMachineController));
else if (_playerController.isCarrying)
if (_playerController.carryTarget != null && attachTarget != null)
Player Interactable RayCaster
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
public class PlayerInteractable_Raycaster_Comp : PlayerComponent
[Range(0, 100f)]
public float raycastRange = 100f;
private PlayerController _controller;
private PlayerCamera _playerCamera;
public IInteractable interactableCurrentTarget;
public IInteractable CurrentInteractable => interactableCurrentTarget;
public IInteractable lastInteractableTarget;
public IInteractable LastInteractable => lastInteractableTarget;
public InteractableEvent OnInteractable;
// Start is called before the first frame update
public override void Start()
_controller = transform.GetComponent<PlayerController>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void Reset()
interactableCurrentTarget = null;
lastInteractableTarget = null;
void CheckForInteractables()
//Create a ray in the world using the middle of the viewport as the start point
Vector3 rayOrigin = _controller.PlayerCamera.cameraComp.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0));
int allLayersButPlayer = ~LayerMask.GetMask("Player");
if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, _controller.PlayerCamera.cameraComp.transform.forward, out RaycastHit hitInfo, raycastRange, allLayersButPlayer))
interactableCurrentTarget = hitInfo.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<IInteractable>();
float distanceFromInteractable = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, hitInfo.collider.transform.position);
//Check the hitwidget interface exists
if (interactableCurrentTarget != null)
//if the last interactable is not equal to the current one, that means this is a new one
if (interactableCurrentTarget != lastInteractableTarget)
if (lastInteractableTarget != null && lastInteractableTarget.Transform.gameObject != null)
//set this new widget as the last used
lastInteractableTarget = interactableCurrentTarget;
//else if it is the same widget as last time
else if (interactableCurrentTarget == lastInteractableTarget)
//do nothing for now
//If the distance between the player and interactable is less than the widgets interaction distance
if (distanceFromInteractable < interactableCurrentTarget.InteractionDistance)
//Else If ray hits nothing
////Check the last interactable isnt null
if (lastInteractableTarget != null)
if (lastInteractableTarget.gameObject != null)
//if it isnt call on target dropped
lastInteractableTarget = null;