I have tiled map 100*75 and tiles are 32*32 pixel.I want to use batching for performance .I don't figure it out , because of my game needs scrolling and every frame i draw 22*16 tiles (my screen is 20*16 tile) .I thought that batching tiles for every frame .Is it good or any suggestion?
edit :to more clarify I want to use occlusion culling and batching at the same time.I thought that drawing only visible areas and batching them together .But there is a something i couldn't figure out .When scrolling screen with translate matrix , if one row become invisible , I bind new row and batch them again.Every batched objects needs to buffer again.So I batch tiles and buffer to VBO every time when one row become invisible .I don't know these way is efficient or not .This is my question .And i am open to any suggestions.