right now in my game, four enemies spawn in four spawn points with a delay, but what I want to do is that if you don't kill the enemy after a couple seconds, an animation (it's an animation of a scratch, basically to let the player know it has been attacked) appears.
Right now I have a script that display an image (it's an image because I was testing the scripts), but now I want to change the image for the animation but after trying and failing a lot of times I decided to ask here, and hopefully someone can help me.
This is the script of the "attack", and it's attached to the enemy prefab:
public Image TargetImage;
void Start ()
TargetImage.enabled = false;
public void spawnAttack(){
StartCoroutine (playerIsAttacked (5, TargetImage));
public IEnumerator playerIsAttacked (float t, Image im)
yield return new WaitForSeconds (t);
TargetImage.enabled = true;
and this is in the timed spawn script:
public class TimedSpawn : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject spawnee;
public bool stopSpawning;
public float spawnTime;
public float spawnDelay;
void Start () {
InvokeRepeating ("SpawnObject", spawnTime, spawnDelay);
public void SpawnObject (){
GameObject newSpawn = Instantiate (spawnee, transform.position, transform.rotation) as GameObject;
newSpawn.GetComponent <enemyAttack> ().spawnAttack ();
if (stopSpawning) {
CancelInvoke ("SpawnObject");