I need help with following pathfinding Task:
I have a grid (7x7 squares) and the starting square is always on the far left side (column 0) and its target is to reach the far right side (column 6). Between col 1-5 are some walls where the path should "walk" around.
The special thing about the task is, the path can only walk straight,diagonal up, diagonal down, so its column increases += 1 for each movement.
For Example: (row/col) Start:(1/0) Path:(1/1) straight :(2/2) daigonal down :(3/3) diagonal down :(3/4) straight :(4/5) diagonal down :(4/6) straight (reached col 6 , finish)
I'm not sure about A*, maybe its also working for my task? can anyone help me to find a good algorithm for this task? I would prefer C++ as code.