I just can't get ray picking to work (I need to drop old working faedback mode, and replace it with color pick, but because my scene can have up to 300K+ objects it is reasonable to filter (it's a hierarchy) visible objects by ray picking first to limit the number of drawn bounding boxes).
Here it goes. Why oh why this is failing me (I'm out of ideas, I don't see some obvious error...):
public class MouseRay
private Vector3 _start;
private Vector3 _end;
public Vector3 Start { get { return _start; } }
public Vector3 End { get { return _end; } }
public MouseRay(Point mouse)
: this(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
public MouseRay(int x, int y)
int[] viewport = new int[4];
Matrix4 modelMatrix, projMatrix;
// get matrix and viewport:
GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix, out modelMatrix);
GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ProjectionMatrix, out projMatrix);
GL.GetInteger(GetPName.Viewport, viewport);
_start = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
_end = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Glu.UnProject(new Vector3(x, y, 0.0f), modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, ref _start);
Glu.UnProject(new Vector3(x, y, 1.0f), modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, ref _end);
public bool HitSphere(IDrawable drawable)
return HitSphereAt(drawable) != Vector3.Zero;
public Vector3 HitSphereAt(IDrawable drawable)
Vector3 pos = drawable.RealTranslation;
float radius = drawable.BoundingRadius;
Vector3 d = _end - _start;
float a = Vector3.Dot(d, d);
float b = 2.0f * Vector3.Dot(d, _start - pos);
float c = 2.0f * Vector3.Dot(pos, pos) + Vector3.Dot(_start, _start) - 2.0f * Vector3.Dot(pos, _start) - radius * radius;
float test = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
if (test >= 0.0)
// Hit (according to Treebeard, "a fine hit").
float u = (-b - (float)Math.Sqrt(test)) / (2.0f * a);
return _start + u * (_end - _start);
return Vector3.Zero;
Here is unproject func (not my code, but I think I understand it):
public static class Glu
public static int UnProject(Vector3 win, ref Vector3 obj)
Matrix4 modelMatrix;
GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ModelviewMatrix, out modelMatrix);
Matrix4 projMatrix;
GL.GetFloat(GetPName.ProjectionMatrix, out projMatrix);
int[] viewport = new int[4];
GL.GetInteger(GetPName.Viewport, viewport);
return UnProject(win, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, ref obj);
public static int UnProject(Vector3 win, Matrix4 modelMatrix, Matrix4 projMatrix, int[] viewport, ref Vector3 obj)
return gluUnProject(win.X, win.Y, win.Z, modelMatrix, projMatrix, viewport, ref obj.X, ref obj.Y, ref obj.Z);
private static int gluUnProject(float winx, float winy, float winz, Matrix4 modelMatrix, Matrix4 projMatrix, int[] viewport, ref float objx, ref float objy, ref float objz)
Matrix4 finalMatrix;
Vector4 _in;
Vector4 _out;
finalMatrix = Matrix4.Mult(modelMatrix, projMatrix);
//if (!__gluInvertMatrixd(finalMatrix, finalMatrix)) return(GL_FALSE);
_in.X = winx;
_in.Y = viewport[3] - winy;
_in.Z = winz;
_in.W = 1.0f;
/* Map x and y from window coordinates */
_in.X = (_in.X - viewport[0]) / viewport[2];
_in.Y = (_in.Y - viewport[1]) / viewport[3];
/* Map to range -1 to 1 */
_in.X = _in.X * 2 - 1;
_in.Y = _in.Y * 2 - 1;
_in.Z = _in.Z * 2 - 1;
//__gluMultMatrixVecd(finalMatrix, _in, _out);
// check if this works:
_out = Vector4.Transform(_in, finalMatrix);
if (_out.W == 0.0)
return (0);
_out.X /= _out.W;
_out.Y /= _out.W;
_out.Z /= _out.W;
objx = _out.X;
objy = _out.Y;
objz = _out.Z;
return (1);