I am following a tutorial on YouTube for making a 2D game. There is no clear explanation on what its actually doing.
I get bit-shifting and & operator but I don't know what they mean in this context and I understand basic Java implementation.
I've done some basic trial and error with the below code by seeing how it works, I see the effects happening but don't quite comprehend on what it is supposed to be doing in the code.
Could someone please explain how the lines marked with "//*******" work in the given context?
public class Screen {
public static final int MAP_WIDTH= 64;
public static final int MAP_WIDTH_MASK= MAP_WIDTH - 1;
public static final int PIXEL_SIZE= 8;
public static final int PIXEL_SIZE_MASK= MAP_WIDTH - 1;
public int[] tiles = new int[MAP_WIDTH*MAP_WIDTH];
public int[] colours = new int[MAP_WIDTH*MAP_WIDTH*4];
public int xOffset = 0;
public int yOffset = 0;
public int width;
public int height;
public SpriteSheet sheet;
public Screen(int width, int height, SpriteSheet sheet) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.sheet = sheet;
// ************ explain what the for loop is doing
for(int i=0; i< (tiles.length); i++) {
colours[i*4+ 0] = 0xff00ff;
colours[i*4+ 1] = 0x0000ff;
colours[i*4+ 2] = 0xffff00;
colours[i*4+ 3] = 0xffffff;
public void render(int[] pixels, int offset, int row) {
//current x and y offset is 0 meaning that the player/map isn't moving in either direction - changing them repeats the map
// >>3 - same as multiplying by 8 (size of pixel)
//(0 * 8 ) + yOffset, (height * 8) + yOffset
// ************ what is the >> doing in this context?
for(int yTile = (0 + yOffset) >> 3; yTile<=(height + yOffset) >> 3; yTile++) {
// ************ what actually is yMin?
int yMin = (yTile * PIXEL_SIZE) - yOffset;
// ************ what actually is yMax?
int yMax = yMin + PIXEL_SIZE;
//sanity check if you go off the map - otherwise would crash
if (yMin<0) yMin=0; // yMin could be below 0 because of the yOffset variable being changed is greater than (yTile * PIXEL_SIZE)
if (yMax>height) yMax = height; // yMax could be above height because of the yOffset variable being changed
// see above; applies to xTile as well
for(int xTile = (0 + xOffset) >> 3; xTile<=(width + xOffset) >> 3; xTile++) {
int xMin = (xTile * PIXEL_SIZE) - xOffset;
int xMax = xMin + PIXEL_SIZE;
if(xMin<0) xMin=0;
if (xMax>width) xMax = width;
// ************ obviously this gives current tile you're on but what does & do in this context?
int tileIndex = (xTile &(MAP_WIDTH_MASK)) + (yTile &(MAP_WIDTH_MASK))* MAP_WIDTH;
for (int y = yMin; y < yMax; y++){
// ************ what does & do in this context?
int sheetPixel = ((y + yOffset) & PIXEL_SIZE_MASK)*sheet.width + ((xMin + xOffset)& PIXEL_SIZE_MASK);
// ************ is the tilePixel individual pixels in the tile?
int tilePixel = offset + xMin + y * row;
for(int x = xMin; x< xMax; x++) {
// ************ what is tileIndex * 4 doing?
int colour = tileIndex * 4 + sheet.pixels[sheetPixel++];
pixels[tilePixel++] = colours[colour];