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Godot is a 2D and 3D open source game engine developed by the Godot Engine community. It features a built-in development environment which runs on Windows, macOS and Linux and can create games targeting PC, mobile and web platforms.

2 votes

How to apply object transformations in Godot UI?

You put the MeshInstance inside of a Spatial node. Then place the MeshInstance as needed. Then you can manipulate the Spatial node. Furthermore, you can save the Spatial node as a scene. The scene wil …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

Godot - Collision for character teleportation

I have no experience with this, however I believe Area2D is intended for this purpose. Based on the documentation, I guess you can connect the signal body_exited check get_overlapping_bodies and set a …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

How to change FPS when using a sprite sheet and AnimationPlayer?

AnimationPlayer has a playback_speed that you can use the way as the speed_scale property of the AnimatedSprite. However, there is no way to manipulate the speed of the individual animation themselves …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
0 votes

Why does my manual code bone rotation not work when a animation is active/playing?

See How to get global world coordinates of bone in Godot GDscript and .translated function not working in Godot / best way to change position of bone. …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
0 votes

How can I shrink a CheckButton's icon sizes in Godot?

You are not missing any setting. The icons of the CheckButton are not meant to scale with the button. They are meant to have a consistent size for all buttons. I'm not a fan of not idempotent buttons, …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

_Input and _Process runs twice

About your first attempt Your first attempt is making little sense to me. What is InputEventMouseKey? I know InputEventMouseButton. Anyway, I don't think event.isEcho() works for mouse. As echo is - a …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

Can't save texture on tileset resource in Godot

When you add textures to the TileSet you need to define tiles in them. Adding a texture does not automatically make it a tile (in fact, you might define multiple tiles in the same texture). You have t …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

Spawning enough game objects between two points

What I see is that you are advancing 30 pixels per object: obj.position.y+=30 If that is the space one object ought to take, and you can divide the total distance by 30 and that should give you the n …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

Object not rotating properly towards Player

You have the position the raycast hit: ray.get_collision_point() That position is in global coordinates. Meanwhile the position of the player is not global (it is relative to its parent). Use global_ …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
1 vote

How to add new animations to the same model in godot?

Saved your model as a Godot scene: you will have to do the stuff again. When you import your model, some resources will be externals. … You can add the new file, Godot will import it. Then: Open the model. Select the AnimationPlayer. On the "Animations" panel select the animation you want. …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
2 votes

Run the most recent call of the function

Since this kind of text animation is common in games, Godot Label has a visible_characters property. So you can change the Label.text and animate Label.visible_characters. … I'll be using the new tween API (Godot 3.5+) here. func text(value:String) -> void: label.text = value label.visible_characters = 0 var tween := get_tree().create_tween() tween.tween_property …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
2 votes

How do I find and replace text with regex in Godot?

In Godot we use the RegEx class, and it has a sub method to replace matches, however it does not take a callback. … This is working code (it should work in both Godot 3 and Godot 4): var subject := "ab" var pattern := "(.)" …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
4 votes

Can my game have multiple rendering APIs?

Godot won't let you change rendering backends in runtime. Thus, I'd suggest to create a launcher where the player can choose before running the actual game. … In Godot 4 you can use command line arguments to change rendering. You can get the valid options using --help. …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
3 votes

inserting 3d .obj into scene with godot code

I want to highlight that Godot is not making assumptions about how Resources will be used. For example, you could create a script that exports a variable of ArrayMesh so you can set it. …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k
8 votes

How do child/parent nodes work in Godot?

Which also includes the way some callbacks propagate (which is not a thing in blender), for example Godot will call _ready on the children before calling it on the parents. … Scenes are node (Godot does not have a Scene class). What will make Godot show a Node as a scene is whatever or not it is saved to a separate file. …
Theraot's user avatar
  • 27.5k

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